Ruven E Brooks wrote:
Suppose that you were hired (at an outrageous salary, of course) to be the chief architect of this system. If you could have a 20 page initial document on the internal structure of this system, what would that document contain?...
Other thoughts, suggestions are welcome.

If this email is supposed to be some kind of joke or rude satire, it's not remotely funny enough, Ruven. Surely:

(a) you know as well as anyone that this is a solved problem after so much careful research, and that you should be able to quickly find your answers (check the encyclopedia, perhaps),

(b) industry already knows all they need about their problems and academics are apparently unconnected to reality, so why are you asking?,

  (c) 1.5 that it?,

  (d) programmers don't read documentation, and

  (e) code is self-documenting anyway.

OK, I reached way back almost to Perlis Aphorism territory for the last two but I think completeness is a virtue here. I mean, is it April 1st already?

If you believe architects are not programmers per se, then asking a superprogrammer what she thinks is arguably bad requirements gathering. Perhaps it might be better to look at something along the lines of the following instead?:
 1. major forces/issues the architecture must continue to meet
 2. list of successes and warts of the current architecture
 3. rationales for #2 relating to #1

Good luck!

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