Hi Vincent,

I have copied this to the rest-discuss list as well.

> Sorry for the rather long post,but after reviewing all the available REST
> literature, I still have no answer to my rather philosophical question.
> I understand that adopting a RESTful model means I have to think in terms
> manipulating addressable resources instead of thinking in terms of
> calls. Great, but what do you do with  operations you absolutely can't
> according to this model?

> Specifically, operations  that involve more than one resource, and
> that require some extra business logic (other than CRUD operation on the
> resource itself).

REST is not just about CRUD operations on resources identified by a URI.

I have made some comments on this in a previous post to the rest-discuss

A few people give the impression that GET/PUT/DELETE/POST(a) is the "true
REST way"
and that GET/POST(p) is the dark side. This ignores the fact that the most
successful REST style Application framework (HTML over HTTP) uses
almost exclusively.
/* POST(a) = append to the URI, POST(p) = process this. */

Now, you can think of POST as a "disguised RPC call" and in the trivial
it is similar, but that ignores other possibilities for the use of POST.

A Resource is not necessarily a discrete entity on the server (such as a
It may be a view onto a number of entities on the server, similar to a
view over a number of tables.

Benjamin Carlyle gives an excellant description...


So if you implement a resource as a view onto a set of related entities in
domain model, then updating or POSTing to that view can modify many
entities at
once, execute your business logic and wrap the whole lot up in a
(by domain model I mean the business data and logic implemented on the

Thinking of it another way, you are telling your domain model what you want
achieve, not how you want to do it.

> An example of the first type of operations would be money transfer:  you
want to
> transfer money from account A to account B. If I were to adhere strictly
to the
> REST philosophy, I would either:
> 1)decrement A, submit A with a PUT; increment B, submit B with a PUT; and
> the recovery process from the client should  one operation fail.
> 2)Create a MoneyTransferOrder object (fromAccount, toAccount,amount)and
save it
> with a POST.

3) POST an instruction to your account, represented by a URI, with
   to transfer an amount of money to another account, represented by a URI.
   This may create a new resource representing the transaction. The
   of the operation will be returned in the response body along with the
URI to
   the transaction. There is no "REST says you must create a transaction"
but in
   this case it is probably a good idea.

> The former is -of course- a non-starter. The latter is just a way of
> an RPC call; I think it violates the REST principle in the sense that
> MoneyTransferOrder resource is defined for the sole purpose of passing
> parameters to server-side service,  and cannot be retrieved later (i.e.
it's not
> really a resource).

Nothing, anywhere says that POST must create a resource.

> An example of the second type of operations would be the closeAccount
> Maybe I want to send a notification to a manager every time an account is
> closed. Again, I see two options:
> 1)set the isClosed proprty to True and save with a PUT. On the server, I
> have to diff the account with the value in the database, this would allow
me to
> detect that the account has been closed, and send the notification.
> 2)Create a CancellationOrder object, and save it with a POST

When using a POST as a "process this" operation you can send a request to
account URI to close the account and the business logic that closes the
can send a notification to any other interested party by POSTing another
request to their URI. In this case your Account and the Manager may be on
sides of the world. You just don't care when you are using URIs to address

> The problem with the first approach is that the server has to guess what
> operation the client intended to complete. The second approach suffers
from the
> same RPC-in-disguise problem mentioned before.

> Conclusion?
> Well, my conclusion is that a RESTful architecture is particularly well
> for applications where the entire business logic is done on the client
and the
> server acts only has a data repository (e.g. del.icio.us).
> For other applications, you'll have to leave with the fact that you may
> maybe 30% of your calls that are in fact RPC calls -i.e. a POST where you
> the operation's name parameters. That's -from what I saw- how the
> API is designed.
> What do you Restfarians think? Am I missing the boat on this one?

I hope you can see that POST is a bit more that a substitute for RPC.

I have not commented on PUT/DELETE/POST(a) here but I do not diminish their
role either. As you have observed, they have limitations. They have similar
qualities to other Data Service mechanisms, like Relational Databases, in
you can store data and have the data checked for type correctness and
integrity, but you cannot use them to implement business logic. At least,
without a lot more effort than is worthwhile.

I am not suggesting that there is a clear delineation between these groups
of HTTP methods. They can
be used intermixed, but I believe  it helps clarify your thinking to view
them in this way.

As far as HTTP is concerned there is absolutely no difference between
POST(p) and POST(a).
The transfer protocol does not care what you intend to do with the request.
The transfer protocol
only cares that the request is unsafe, not indempotent and that you cannot
cache the responses.

Part of the confusion about REST has been that people have taken an
Architectural Model for the
internet and tried to use it to evaluate distributed applications when it
was intended to evaluate
transfer protocols. The constraints that dictate the desired behaviour of
User Agents, Proxies
and Origin Servers don't always map well to Banking application and Wikis.

REST is not about the Atom protocol. That is an application protocol. But
the Atom protocol has
been designed with REST in mind. My understanding is that the Atom protocol
does not use
the "process this" version of POST. Thats fine. HTML does not use PUT or
DELETE. Both could
be described as RESTful applications but neither of them defines REST.


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