> I haven't tried using *.  SpringBeanRouter is taking the bean name and  
> passing it directly to attach.  I'm not aware of anything Spring does  
> specially with *, but there could be.  Can you provide a reproduceable  
> test case?

I don't have my test-setup anymore, but while debugging I found that the bean
name /path/* becomes /path/\* as regular expression.

> SpringBeanRouter is a Spring BeanFactoryPostProcessor.  It will  
> operate on all the Resources defined in the same context as it, so it  
> has to go in the application context where your resources are  
> defined.  For me, this is [servlet-name]-servlet.xml.

Yeah, thats what I thought. I had everything restlet related in my
[servlet-name]-servlet.xml, and it didn't work until I put it in my main
application context.xml. Maybe its because I have a 'contextConfigLocation'
configuration directive in my web.xml? 
While I was debugging, the applicationConfigLocations of the spring context of
[servlet-name]-servlet.xml was empty, but its parent context had all the entries
I defined in 'contextConfigLocation'.
Oh, btw., I use 1.1 M3.


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