Hi John,

Thanks for response. please see answers inline.

Have you run the server with a profiler attached (such as jprobe,   yourkit, 

{Prashant>>} No, we have not used any profiler tool yet.
 Are you load testing at a steady state?  I.e., are you just running  
 the same request over and over in a loop? Or something more complicated?

{Prashant>>} Yes we are iterating over a simple Get request only using Jmeter.
 Are you on a single-core CPU for the test or one core for the load  
 tester and one core for the server or what?  I.e., what's your test  

{Prashant>>} the test env is very high end machine. that is not a problem.
 What's your server setup?  What version of the which JVM are you  
 using, what flags, etc.?

{Prashant>>} Server is tomcat 6, JVM version is 1.5.0_15 and flags are as given 

JAVA_OPTS="-XX:PermSize=128M -Xms1024M -Xmx1024M -verbose:gc"


 Anyway, the short answer is very likely a GC issue.  Whether or not  
 there's much for you to do about will depend on all of the specifics.   
 Use a profiler and find out.
Full GC is not running very frequently as only 4-5 times in test of approx 4+ 

Rest GC logs are as given below:
[GC 229449K->26581K(920128K), 0.1256557 secs]
 [GC 227733K->24585K(910848K), 0.1229751 secs]
[GC 223497K->26901K(911104K), 0.1219179 secs]
[GC 223637K->27180K(912896K), 0.1182056 secs]
 [GC 221804K->24372K(906432K), 0.1202989 secs]
 [GC 216884K->26299K(903104K), 0.1210345 secs]
 [GC 216763K->27832K(906048K), 0.1120220 secs]
[GC 216312K->28156K(900480K), 0.1164525 secs]
[GC 214652K->28312K(901504K), 0.1143799 secs]
[GC 212888K->25634K(893632K), 0.1180457 secs]
[GC 208290K->26513K(897984K), 0.1151762 secs]
[GC 207313K->27598K(891264K), 0.1144405 secs]
[GC 206606K->28563K(893952K), 0.1090829 secs]
 [GC 205779K->29436K(889216K), 0.1105980 secs]
[GC 204924K->29700K(889088K), 0.1341427 secs]
 [GC 203460K->30048K(885824K), 0.1077271 secs]

Please help. Thanks

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