Hello Jason,

Normally GWT projects and GAE projects are built together, but I read on
> stack overflow the GWT component had to be compiled seperately, and then
> add the static html and js files back into the GAE project.
Did you try this sample application?
As described in this page, there is a single Eclipse project dedicated to
the GWT and GAE parts.

I guess that what you read on stackoverflow emphasizes the fact that, at
the end, GWT code is meant to be compiled into pure static files that can
be served by every kind of Web server : servlet container, GAE,
Restlet-based applications (using the JSE edition), etc. Compilation can be
done using the "standard" Google plugin for Eclipse (manually, or
automatically when deploying your GAE applicatio to the GAE platform), this
can also been done using ant scripts (as I experienced daily).
So GWT component can be compiled separately, but this is only one option.

> I finally managed to get the JavaSE example running and communicating
> pulling objects from the GAE implementation using the default "
> http://localhost:8888/contact/123"; address.  However if I try to open
> that same address in a web browser I get an exception in GAE.  How is it an
> API if it is so fragile and can only be accessed by one specific software
> on the other side?
I've downloaded the sample project, complete the classpath, I mean the
"WEB-INF/lib" directory with the real Java archives, then deployed to GAE.
It just works for me.

 Could you have a look at the GAE console? Is there any log trace?

Best regards,
Thierry Boileau


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