Howdy, hakkers!

I've noticed that there was a meeting on 2013-12-10 and that the minutes are 
posted. They are visible on the web at I've also included them in this 
mail for reading at your leisure:

|venue=21 West North

= Agenda =

* '''Note Taker:''' Steve R.
* '''Moderator:''' Devin Wolfe

== Introduction and Names ==

* Mike - Tech support
* Lee - Got EE from UofA
* Becca - Makes cakes
* Jimmy - Not a member, brother and dad told him about SYNHAK
* Garrett - make steam punk stuff
* Philip - Starting second project, a rear wheel bike rack
* Andy - Mine bitcoins
* Craig - Make phones
* Torrie - Start selling robots
* Steve - taking notes
* Devin - build toy boxes/bench combo

== Announcements ==

* Andy - Made a new fundraising box
** Devin - Add labels for sepcific donations

* Torrie - Longest time talking about making robots, talked to some ** people 
at office space co-working about selling 3 RGB LED's if 
** enough were made for ambient lighting in architecture
** Mike - Self contained? Torrie - No, requires power supply

* Andy bought tables, and sewing room has a nice table, Torrie added ** 
adhesive tape measure

* Devin - 1000' CAT5e cable, and a bunch of shrink tubing

* Lee - this summer purchade a nice miller tig welder, willing to put ** on a 
class, but need to purchase own consumables. Aluminum is not ** hard to learn 
if never done before

* Philip - May have access to 10 -14 fully functioning Desktop ** computers 
with keyboards and mouse, with Windows XP 32bit. If ** SYNHAK can use them we 
get first shot otherwise will be donated to ** other non-profits, Dell or HP. 
Devin/Torrie - Specs will be a ** deciding factor. Philip - get back when more 
info is avaliable, 
** though have legitimate COA for Windows XP 32bit

* Devin - for those interested in Power wheels racing series 10 ** batteries 
and a smoke machine in the space now

* Craig - have a phone system in the works, should be up an running in ** a 
week. New phone number and will be getting phones to spread ** around the 
space, will have 911 which is registered to the site, ** and voice mail. Server 
room redone to support it. Devin - can call ** to see how long someone will be 
at the space if you wanted to come ** in outside open hours if not a member.

* Torrie - Added last week thursday maybe, new mailing lists for the ** space. 
created them for specific channels of discussion, 3 new 
** lists. 
** noc - network operations center, to discuss IT issues in the space, ** ie 
problems with internet or linux system admin. 
** speaks-beureau - for speakers beureau information and discussion. ** Whole 
bunch of documentation
** frag - talking about monthly lan party and gaming discussion, more ** social
** email noc to add mailing lists, and someone will get to it, and it ** is 
updated on the wiki page

* Devin - starting a collection of tools that are surplus to give to ** CANHAX 
or hartville hackerspace. If anyone has any extra tools to ** donate please do, 
to help them get started.

* Beth - Becca and Beth started an Etsy to sell products.

== Membership ==

* Mike Griesacker
**Sponsors: Omar and Devin
** Reason: "Want to learn, make stuff, and collaborate. Interests are 
**Arduino, Raspberry Pi, 3d printing"
* Devin - favorite beer? Yuengling
* Torrie - What projects do you want to work on? Make either remote ** 
arduino's or raspberry pi sensors to communicate via e-mail
* Torrie - What can SYN/HAK do for you? Provide a forum to build and ** 
* Devin - What can you do for SYN/HAK? Education classes maybe, not ** sure yet
* Andy - What industry do you work in? Telecomunications. Andy - Ever ** heard 
of electrodata? Not sure maybe tested a meter
* Garrett - was it through the NAVY? No.
* Lee - Are you a serial murderer? No.
* Steve - Do you like chinese food? Yes.
* Lee - Are you a US Citizen? Yes.
* Has been approved for membership. YAY!!

== Financial Report ==
* Funds in bank: $3,127.55
* Savings: $400.32
* Cash: $233.43
* Money from element 14 will soon be transfered to bank. 
== Proposals ==


== Discussion Items ==

* Devin - Philip brought it up. No specific donation policy. The way ** it has 
been is maintainers grab it first to sort. Can always use **more stuff. 
** Torrie - Understanding is a guest went to the pile, grabbed a **recent 
donation laptop, a member grabbed it from said person and **took the laptop for 
SYNHAK with the intent of turning it into a **working laptop for the space. 
Problem - person found it in community ** resource for personal project. 
Concept of things in pile have ** priority for SYNHAK. 
** If you see something in the pile it should be used for anything and **by 
anyone member or not. 
* Devin - differs, if donated to SYNHAK, should go to SYNHAK first to ** 
improve the space. Was just laid there temporarily, no problem with ** giving 
things away. 
* Becca - Is there a way to keep track of donations for specific ** reasons. 
Devin - Tape and Sharpie Label. 
* Lee - Solution maybe? It has to be earmarked. Devin - putting dates ** on 
junk pile with a week or 2 to stay. Junk junk goes out, good  ** junk stays 
here. Junk outside is fair game to blow up if desired.  ** Inside junk is to be 
used if possbile before destruction.
* Lee - philip has donations for specific reasons, and they should be ** marked 
and used as such. Before they're dropped off ask what is ** ** desired for 
donations, and be honored.
* Torrie - 3 classifications for junk pile
** 1 - Crappy junk pile, technology recycling.
** 2 - Hackable objects
** First 2 piles should be fair game for everybody, and first come ** ** first 
** 3 - Donations that show up specifically for SYNHAK, and propery of **SYNHAK.
* Devin - If you don't ask for receipt when donating then you're out ** of luck 
in tax deductions. 
* Torrie - Have a checkbox for " I'm ok with this being hacked!" For ** $500 or 
less person values it themselves, if over champion 
** appraises it up to $5000 then it has to be appraised.
* Becca - Does every donation need to fill out the donation form? No.
* Philip - official resolution for initial problem that brought up 
** this issue? Between the people involved to talk it out since there ** is no 
official policy as of this moment. Torrie- if mediation is 
** needed just let someone know. Philip - Asking Torrie to mediate.
* Andy - Mark items that aren't wanted on the proposal? Devin- Problem ** is 
somethings just come in and can't be helped at the moment. 
* Devin - possibility to deny donations, if there is a reason to do ** such. 
* Mark items upon arrival so there is less confusion. 
* David - Take a photograph of items upon donations of worth, and tag ** onto 
donation form. 
* Mike - If a non-member wants something why no propose at a meeting ** what it 
is intended for. Steve - Problem is that members don't get ** special benefits 
with materials so it goes against our goals.
* Becca - With the processing and looking at an item, if it is only 1 ** person 
there to decide, can there be a time limit to have others ** look at it, maybe 
48 hours? Yes, needs more discussion. Torrie - ** disagrees with this process. 
Rename junk pile to HACK Pile, since ** junk has a negative feel to it. Though 
said change was already ** done. 
* Beth - Stuff was put in there last monday, going through it tonight, ** has 
the maintainer of the pile. Torrie - idea of being a maintainer ** doesn't give 
you absolute right and power over whatever is being ** maintained, just the 
goto person for questions and information. If ** stuff is broken or needs 
maintanance of items. Beth - If people ** want to throw out junk over a week 
old please feel free to do so. 
* Torrie - Sunday chris and Torrie met to discuss bylaws and problems and came 
up with some bylaw ammendments.
** 1 - Defining a conflict of interest
** 2 - Clause about legal lawsuits, lawyer needs to be called
** 3 - Ammendment at any given point all the champions are president
** 4 - Ammendment that any rights not exclusively given to the ** organization 
or members is retained by members. 

= End of Meeting =
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