Becca let me know what you plan to get, email me separately.
I am planning on giving the presentation at 7 PM.  G can you be there to film 

On Friday, February 21, 2014 8:19 PM, Becca Salchak <> wrote:
Any one else want to add to the festivities? I am taking the day off work and 
arranging for a sitter for most of the day so I will be available all day .
Torrie is there any room in the budget for a table cloth or two( plastic of 
coarse) and a few balloons in SYN/HAK colors from the dollar store?
I wasn't at the last opening day what was it like? How many guest did we have? 
Did you have any presenters through out the day? Is that something we are 
interested in having?

On Friday, February 21, 2014, alex kot <> wrote:

I am thinking about starting opening day with a speakers bureau presentation on 
Linux.  I know many people ask me to do this.  It will probably be 1 hour 
speech broken into two parts.  It will be kind of beginners and explain more of 
the science behind it.  I will keep you update on the topic.
>On Friday, February 21, 2014 5:03 PM, Becca Salchak <> 
>I was planning on making Cupcakes but I didn't know If we had an estimate of 
>how many people we expect
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Becca Salchak
peace and love 
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