
Yes, I plan to come to SH tomorrow morning.

What time do you want me to be there to open the building?  Anytime after
9am is fine with me.

I will be working on the display wall tomorrow - temporarily removing
everything, patching the wall, painting the wall, and making a new wood
wall cleat of my own design to suspend the photo frames by wire or nylon


On Sat, Apr 26, 2014 at 8:50 AM, Robert Rybicki <>wrote:

> Philip
> Robert W and I are committed to cleaning up tomorrow for the scheduled
> clean up day.  Do you plan on attending again?  We got a lot done last
> month.
> Does anyone else have any idea the earliest we can get started?  Robert W
> might receive his key tomorrow if it works out we can close the space if
> needed, but we still need someone to get us started.
> Thanks
> Rob
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Apr 26, 2014, at 8:05 AM, "Philip P. Patnode" <>
> wrote:
> Looking forward to seeing Robert (Rob and Jenny too) at the space sometime
> soon.
> If Robert wants to be involved in a group project at SH, like cleaning or
> painting or sorting, just ask and someone will include him.
> Philip
> On Fri, Apr 25, 2014 at 11:07 PM, Robert Rybicki <
> > wrote:
>> Jen walked away from last weeks meeting under the impression that this
>> had not been settled.  It was only agreed that Robert Walter would get a
>> key. We greatly appreciate everyone's faith in Robert W and his support
>> network.
>> I don't believe it is too crazy to think that other children or
>> adolescents and their families are also mature and trustworthy. I don't
>> feel comfortable about us being a special case. I like the way Philip
>> worded it because it entrusts the legal guardian in the case of a minor and
>> yet does not bar minors from 24/7 access.
>> Best
>> Rob
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Apr 25, 2014, at 9:50 PM, a l <> wrote:
>> The minutes do reflect people agreeing that it was submitted as one
>> proposal that is not what I am confused about.
>> My questions are:
>> 1) Should it be one proposal. I view this as two different issues. Dues
>> are a recommendation to the Board, Keys are a modification of our operating
>> procedure decided by the membership.
>> 2) Was this proposal passed? I have serious moral reservations on its
>> wording which I expressed above and made suggestions to make the proposal
>> acceptable. Until this weeks minutes there was no indication that anyone
>> had read Torrie's email, or mine sent shortly after.
>> regards,
>> Andrew L
>> On Fri, Apr 25, 2014 at 9:15 PM, Philip P. Patnode <>wrote:
>>> Becca,
>>> Thank you!
>>> I will ponder the details and ramifications of the proposed proposal and
>>> submit it in writing within 24 hours.
>>> Of course, I will add at least three good reasons for the membership to
>>> consider as they discuss and vote/consense on the issue.
>>> I hope this proposal can be brought up for discussion at the meeting on
>>> Tuesday, April 29th, considering it has been under informal discussion for
>>> about six months.
>>> Have good weekend.
>>> Philip
>>> Philip
>>> Philip
>>> On Fri, Apr 25, 2014 at 9:08 PM, Becca Salchak <>wrote:
>>>> Yes Philip I will third it
>>>> On Apr 25, 2014 9:08 PM, "Philip P. Patnode" <>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Becca,
>>>>> Thanks for the reply and clarification of the details surrounding
>>>>> membership, dues, and key access.
>>>>> About the geezer discount -
>>>>> I will submit a formal proposal to "" (and a copy
>>>>> to this list too) this weekend to reduce the membership fee for active and
>>>>> prospective members who are age 62 or more to $25 per month.
>>>>> Devin Wolfe has agreed to second the proposal.
>>>>> Can you offer a 3rd motion to accept the proposal or should I ask
>>>>> someone else?
>>>>> Philip
>>>>> On Fri, Apr 25, 2014 at 8:28 PM, a l <> wrote:
>>>>>> There is a reply from Becca that displays on my phone but not my
>>>>>> laptop so I hope this message get put in the proper context.
>>>>>> Becca,
>>>>>> The minutes do not reflect any consent on family dues nor restricting
>>>>>> keys to minors. They do reflect consent on issuing Robert a key.
>>>>>> I asked for clarification on the discussion that was conducted
>>>>>> surrounding this proposal and the response was:
>>>>>> The wording had not been changed, no one saw this as two separate
>>>>>> issues, and that it was still an open proposal.
>>>>>> If anyone else remembers differently than the minutes reflect please
>>>>>> speak up. We need to have accurate minutes especially since we operate 
>>>>>> on a
>>>>>> "mailing list or it didn't happen" basis.
>>>>>> regards,
>>>>>> Andrew L
>>>>>> On Fri, Apr 25, 2014 at 4:14 PM, Philip P. Patnode <
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> TWIMC at SH,
>>>>>>> Since I have been isolated on my private island for the past week or
>>>>>>> so, I may have missed some details.
>>>>>>> If anybody is interested, here is my position and thoughts on
>>>>>>> several of the points under discussion about membership, dues, and key
>>>>>>> access.
>>>>>>> dues
>>>>>>> * regular rate of $35 per month for anybody over age 18
>>>>>>> * discount rate for families - $35 per month for first adult, plus
>>>>>>> $15 per month for each additional person over age 18, plus $5 per month 
>>>>>>> for
>>>>>>> kids under age 18
>>>>>>> * discount rate for high school and college students - $15 per month
>>>>>>> * discount of 10% off the monthly amount for pre-payment of 3 or
>>>>>>> more months for any membership, paid in advance
>>>>>>> What happened to the long-discussed "senior discount"?  I brought up
>>>>>>> the issue way back in Oct or Nov at one of the first weekly meetings I 
>>>>>>> ever
>>>>>>> attended, but no definitive action has ever been taken.
>>>>>>> *I suggest that a senior discount be established at the rate of $25
>>>>>>> per month.  *
>>>>>>> *membership*
>>>>>>> * should be open to all, with exceptions, subject to approval by the
>>>>>>> existing membership
>>>>>>> * should be denied to illegal immigrants, convicted felons, known
>>>>>>> drug users, and anybody on the Ohio/any other state sex offenders list
>>>>>>> * should be suspended for members who have not paid their dues after
>>>>>>> 30days and rescinded permanently if the dues are not paid after 90days.
>>>>>>> *key access*
>>>>>>> * should be available to all active members (over age 18) in good
>>>>>>> standing, on written request and after a discussion of the request at a
>>>>>>> weekly meeting, with an open vote or consensus by members present
>>>>>>> (unanimous vote required)
>>>>>>> * should be available to one or both of the parents/guardians of an
>>>>>>> active member under age 18 in good standing - the member can have the 
>>>>>>> key,
>>>>>>> but can only use it when accompanied by their parent or guardian
>>>>>>> * should be immediately rescinded and the key recovered from any
>>>>>>> member who fails to lock the building (front door and/or garage door) on
>>>>>>> exit, if they are the person responsible for closing the space
>>>>>>> * should be immediately rescinded and the key recovered from any
>>>>>>> member who shares the key with anybody else not authorized to have key
>>>>>>> access
>>>>>>> -------------------------------
>>>>>>> I am in full agreement with the comment by Andrew about minors and
>>>>>>> their parents/guardians while at the building.  A minor should never, 
>>>>>>> ever
>>>>>>> be left alone in any area of the space (except the bathroom), but must 
>>>>>>> be
>>>>>>> under constant supervision by the parent or guardian or a member (as 
>>>>>>> chosen
>>>>>>> or approved by the parent or guardian).  Members present should not be
>>>>>>> expected or encouraged to "babysit" the younger members while the 
>>>>>>> parent is
>>>>>>> outside smoking/chatting/stargazing or engaged in their own project,
>>>>>>> ignoring the kid.
>>>>>>> For example, if Robert (age 7) would like to have a 2x4 sawed in
>>>>>>> half on the chop saw, I would be happy to do it for him, subject to
>>>>>>> approval by Rob or Jenny.   If Robert wants to help paint a wall, I 
>>>>>>> would
>>>>>>> be happy to have him on the painting team while Rob or Jenny is off 
>>>>>>> doing
>>>>>>> something else.
>>>>>>> Feel free to reply or comment in person.  I am always open to
>>>>>>> suggestions and constructive criticism.
>>>>>>> Philip
>>>>>>> On Thu, Apr 24, 2014 at 10:39 PM, a l <> wrote:
>>>>>>>> No one has any input on my suggestions?
>>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>>> Andrew L
>>>>>>>> On Apr 16, 2014 6:52 PM, "a l" <> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> This seems like two unrelated proposals: Family dues discounts and
>>>>>>>>>  Key access to minors. Perhaps I just misinterpreted formatting.
>>>>>>>>> I couldn't organize my words to reflect my thoughts at the time,
>>>>>>>>> but the idea of 'grandfathering' in a key that hasn't even been 
>>>>>>>>> approved
>>>>>>>>> yet rubs me the wrong way. I agree that changing the rules after the 
>>>>>>>>> fact
>>>>>>>>> is unexcellent and as they are written now there are no restrictions 
>>>>>>>>> on
>>>>>>>>> keys beyond being a member of good standing who has demonstrated
>>>>>>>>> trustworthiness. The discussion surrounding key holders was brought 
>>>>>>>>> up due
>>>>>>>>> to concerns(that have largely been satisfied). This isn't about
>>>>>>>>> grandfathering. We are making an exception.
>>>>>>>>>     Related to approving keys for one minor before instituting an
>>>>>>>>> age requirement with no cause. This suggest one of two scenarios: 1) 
>>>>>>>>> we
>>>>>>>>> don't trust minors and their guardians to act responsibly but no one 
>>>>>>>>> wants
>>>>>>>>> to be the one to say no. 2)Somehow we trust this minor and guardians 
>>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>>> believe that no one else could ever be as responsible as they are. 
>>>>>>>>> That
>>>>>>>>> members who helped start SynHak and their children(should their child 
>>>>>>>>> want
>>>>>>>>> to pursue membership and keys) could never be as responsible.
>>>>>>>>>    Either every minor can be trusted with a key or none can and we
>>>>>>>>> have to force the guardians to go through the appropriate processes. 
>>>>>>>>> We
>>>>>>>>> trust minors enough to give them full membership status empowering 
>>>>>>>>> them to
>>>>>>>>> vote on how to spend money and who the board and officers are. They 
>>>>>>>>> are
>>>>>>>>> even(currently) eligible to run for these positions themselves. So 
>>>>>>>>> long as
>>>>>>>>> they have proven they can fulfill the requirements as outlined in the
>>>>>>>>> current rules why should they not be granted a key?
>>>>>>>>>   I'm not against responsible people having keys. I just want
>>>>>>>>> uniform rules. To that end I have some suggestions for this 
>>>>>>>>> discussion.
>>>>>>>>>  All minors may be assigned keys
>>>>>>>>>     Legal guardians must be in the same room as them while
>>>>>>>>> operating
>>>>>>>>>        power tools, heated tools, or other hazardous tools.
>>>>>>>>>            0 Tolerance for both the minor and the guardian in
>>>>>>>>> following this rule.
>>>>>>>>>   Consult with insurance: Minors over the age of 14/16 only
>>>>>>>>> require a
>>>>>>>>>      relative over 25/30?
>>>>>>>>> While I am entirely against the prospect of allowing one minor to
>>>>>>>>> have a key and bar others just because their proposal came up first 
>>>>>>>>> in the
>>>>>>>>> minutes. I want to make rules that are logical. We aren't creating 
>>>>>>>>> rules
>>>>>>>>> for just one person. Many of us have expressed interest in outreach to
>>>>>>>>> young hackers and I don't want a feeling of second class membership to
>>>>>>>>> stand in the way of their hacking.
>>>>>>>>> regards,
>>>>>>>>> Andrew L
>>>>>>>>> On Wed, Apr 16, 2014 at 4:17 PM, Torrie Fischer <
>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> As promised, here's the full proposal we decided on last night:
>>>>>>>>>> ----8<----
>>>>>>>>>> Membership dues will have the following discount structure:
>>>>>>>>>> * Regular rate for the first adult 18 earth years of age and older
>>>>>>>>>> * A minimum of $15/mo for each additional adult 18 earth years of
>>>>>>>>>> age and
>>>>>>>>>> older
>>>>>>>>>> * A minimum of $5/mo for each additional child younger than 18
>>>>>>>>>> earth years of
>>>>>>>>>> age
>>>>>>>>>> The space rules are amended to include:
>>>>>>>>>> * Minors under 18 earth years of age are not permitted to visit
>>>>>>>>>> SYNHAK without
>>>>>>>>>> the supervision of an adult and the permission of their
>>>>>>>>>> parent/guardian.
>>>>>>>>>> Key policy is updated to read:
>>>>>>>>>> * Keys are restricted to those with membership before May 1st,
>>>>>>>>>> 2014, and
>>>>>>>>>> afterwards only adults who are 18 earth years of age and older
>>>>>>>>>> ---->8----
>>>>>>>>>> Let me know if this is wrong at all.
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