Well we got somewhere in the WACK group tonight but did not quite reach the
goal. I have a small problem with the following file, can anyone help me
figure out what is wrong with my call for my descriptions and vend name?

<cfquery name="product" datasource="carbs">
SELECT Description1, Description2, Vend_Name
FROM carbs.products
WHERE sku = '#FORM.sku#'
 <title>Product Search Results</title>
<cfset desc1 = #Description1#> 
<cfset desc2 = #Description2#>
<cfset vendor = #Vend_Name#>

 <!--- Display search text --->
  <th colspan="2">
   <font size="+2">
  <tr bgcolor="##cccccc">
   <td colspan="2">
     <font size="-2">#Description2#</font>

Problem is that it gets stuck at:
Variable DESCRIPTION1 is undefined.
The error occurred in
C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\intranet.motorcyclecarbs.com\sales\form1_action.cfm: line

18 : <body>
19 : <cfset sku=#form.sku#>
20 : <cfset desc1 = #Description1#> 
21 : <cfset desc2 = #Description2#>
22 : <cfset vendor = #Vend_Name#>

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