RIght after
<cfquery name="product" datasource="carbs">
SELECT Description1, Description2, Vend_Name
FROM carbs.products
WHERE sku = '#FORM.sku#'
try adding this for testing purposes
<cfdump var="#product#" /><cfabort />

Also, others may jump on this before I, really should use cfqueryparam

<cfquery name="product" datasource="carbs">
SELECT Description1, Description2, Vend_Name
FROM carbs.products
WHERE sku = <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar" value="#FORM.sku#" />
Ask Charlie all about the null attribute :)


On 3/8/07, Robert Reil <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

 thanks doug. I tired the products.name but still did not work. Im tired.
Bed time.

MY DAY IN 1.5 hrs u know!!!!!!
I think u see it coming too!!!!

Robert P. Reil

Managing Director,

Motorcyclecarbs.com, Inc.

4292 Country Garden Walk NW

Kennesaw, Ga. 30152

Office 770-974-8851

Fax 770-974-8852


*From:* Douglas Knudsen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
*Sent:* Thursday, March 08, 2007 9:51 PM
*To:* Carbs Sales&Service
*Subject:* Re: [ACFUG Discuss] CFQuery Basics: HELP!

hey, its 2 hours away to your Friday!

Ok, first off, from the looks of it you are assuming you will always get
one record from this SQL, with your data this maybe a fair assumption, but
be careful of assumptions, they'll bite you someday in code.  I'm living
proof carrying many scars from the code dog.

Now, a couple things with this line:
<cfset desc1 = #Description1#>

1) You should always scope your variables, a few rare cases where you may
not want to, but this is definitely not one of them.  So change the line to
<cfset desc1 = #product.Description1# />
2) # use, you do not need pounds inside tags and functions unless you are
inside quotes, so change the above to
<cfset desc1 = product.Description1 />
3) Are you always 100% sure your SQL will return at least one row?  I'm
guessing in this case it is not.  So, need to wrap your line above in a
check for this
<cfif product.recordcount GTE 1>
    <cfset desc1 = product.Description1 />

That said, I'd urge you to use CFOUTPUT and its QUERY attribute, then you
can write code not worrying about 1 so much, depending on your situation of
course.  This would lead you to something like the below.  With this, no
need to use the cfset lines you have and this will work when the SQL has no
records returned.  Note also if the SQL returns more than one record, the
cfoutput will loop over all of them for you.

<cfoutput query="product">
  <tr bgcolor="##cccccc">
   <td><strong>: #form.sku# </strong> <br>
   <td colspan="2">
     <font size="-2">#product.Description2#</font>

>   </td>
>   </tr>
> </cfoutput>



On 3/8/07, Robert Reil < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Well we got somewhere in the WACK group tonight but did not quite reach
> the
> goal. I have a small problem with the following file, can anyone help me
> figure out what is wrong with my call for my descriptions and vend name?
> ------------------------------
> <cfquery name="product" datasource="carbs">
> SELECT Description1, Description2, Vend_Name
> FROM carbs.products
> WHERE sku = '#FORM.sku#'
> </cfquery>
> <html>
> <head>
> <title>Product Search Results</title>
> </head>
> <body>
> <cfset desc1 = #Description1#>
> <cfset desc2 = #Description2#>
> <cfset vendor = #Vend_Name#>
> <!--- Display search text --->
> <cfoutput>
> <strong>SKU:</strong>
> <table>
> <tr>
>   <th colspan="2">
>    <font size="+2">
>    Products
>    </font>
>   </th>
> </tr>
> <cfoutput>
>   <tr bgcolor="##cccccc">
>    <td>
>     <strong>:
>     #sku#
>     </strong>
>     <br>
>     #Desc1#
>    </td>
>    <td>
>     #Vend_Name#
>    </td>
>   </tr>
>   <tr>
>    <td colspan="2">
>      <font size="-2">#Description2#</font>
>   </td>
>   </tr>
> </cfoutput>
> </table>
> </cfoutput>
> </body>
> </html>
> -----------------------------
> Problem is that it gets stuck at:
> Variable DESCRIPTION1 is undefined.
> The error occurred in
> C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\intranet.motorcyclecarbs.com\sales\form1_action.cfm:
> line
> 20
> 18 : <body>
> 19 : <cfset sku=#form.sku#>
> 20 : <cfset desc1 = #Description1#>
> 21 : <cfset desc2 = #Description2#>
> 22 : <cfset vendor = #Vend_Name#>
> -------------------------------------------------------------
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Douglas Knudsen
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Douglas Knudsen
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