And if that doesn't seem to work, here's another. It's a stretch, but it
just does not make sense that a CFMAIL would do nothing at all (not generate
a file in the spool). When you say you did other snippets, did you do them
in this very same template? I mean the exact one, in the same place, on the
same server. If you did, then it's a stumper, unless Mischa's suggestion
helps. But if you did them in another page, I would recommend you confirm
for sure that the changes you make in this template are really taking. 


For instance, if you add some output to the page, or do a CFLOG on it, does
that happen? If not, then I'd argue that your changes are not being picked
up at all. How could that happen? Well, you could have "trusted cache"
enabled, in which no source changes are picked up. You could also be doing
this by way of a CFC instance that's loaded in memory, so changes to the
source file aren't picked up then, either. 


Finally, there's an even more unusual (but occasionally possible) situation
where source file changes aren't picked up because the class file
(underlying the CF page) is newer than the source file date. This happens
more often when you push code from one machine to another, and the source
file has been retrieved from a source control system and has an older date.
I blogged on that happening back in the CF 6 days
but have been meaning to test if it was resolved so as to no longer happen.


Let us know if you confirm that changes to the source are indeed picking up,
and if any of M's suggestions help.




From: [] On Behalf Of Mischa
Uppelschoten ext 10
Sent: Tuesday, March 03, 2009 2:52 PM
To: Web Site
Subject: re: [ACFUG Discuss] cfmail issue


At the risk of stating the obvious, here is what I would do:

1. Dump the values for your vars and hardcode them in a CFMAIL statement
with a very basic subject and body
2. If that looks good but still fails to send, another troubleshooting step
is to use telnet from your CF server and send an email.  This should reveal quick
enough whether the mail server is the piece that is tripping you up...


: Hello all, 
: I am having an issue with the <cfmail> tag. In the instance of use,
:  seems to be in order (syntax, required attributes, data is valid) but for
:  some reason, the tag will not fire an email. I have tried everything I
:  of to try (verifying the query data, eliminating the body except for a
:  message, etc.) but nothing resolves the issue. I had suspected that the
:  service itself may have stopped responding but I was able to execute a
:  different <cfmail> instance in its place. Additionally, none of this
:  non-execution generates any errors or log entries. I am at a loss as to
:  to focus my efforts and would appreciate any assistance.  
: Here is the snippet: 
:                 <cfmail to="#qAdAgent.agent_email#"
:  bcc="" from="" subject="Your tour
:  been added to #Application.domain#" type="HTML"> 
: Troy Jones 
: Dynapp Support Team 
: 678-528-2952 

----------------------- Original Message -----------------------


From: "Troy Jones"  <> <>

To:  <> <>

Date: Tue, 3 Mar 2009 14:02:55 -0500

Subject: [ACFUG Discuss] cfmail issue


Hello all,


I am having an issue with the <cfmail> tag. In the instance of use,
everything seems to be in order (syntax, required attributes, data is valid)
but for some reason, the tag will not fire an email. I have tried everything
I know of to try (verifying the query data, eliminating the body except for
a short message, etc.) but nothing resolves the issue. I had suspected that
the mail service itself may have stopped responding but I was able to
execute a different <cfmail> instance in it's place. Additionally, none of
this non-execution generates any errors or log entries. I am at a loss as to
where to focus my efforts and would appreciate any assistance. 


Here is the snippet:


                <cfmail to="#qAdAgent.agent_email#"
cc="#qAdAgent.ad_emails#" bcc=""
from="" subject="Your tour has been added to
#Application.domain#" type="HTML">


Troy Jones

Dynapp Support Team




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