Thanks for sharing the conclusion.


I'll note that when I help people solve problems (in the consulting I do to
help people troubleshoot "CF problems"), we do often ultimately discern that
the "problem" isn't something inherently wrong with CF after all, but often
something outside of it, so this doesn't really surprise me. :-) 




From: [] On Behalf Of Troy Jones
Sent: Thursday, March 05, 2009 8:38 AM
Subject: RE: [ACFUG Discuss] cfmail issue


I did isolate the problem. The smtp virtual server on the machine where
these emails are being generated had an outgoing message limit of 2048kb.
This particular email being generated exceeded that limit where the others
did not. Turned out that CF actually was not the culprit at all.


Thanks for your input though. Appreciated as always.

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