I am building an eMail unsubscribe function, and I thought it would be a good idea to encrypt the eMail address. In the email, I set the unsubscribe link to:
unsubscribe.cfm?id= l5N6axdBQlGDpyAklnmkjP+mfaauBKvfS9G9RzUQRJI= But, this string isn’t URLEncoded, so I encoded it like this: unsubscribe.cfm?id=l5N6axdBQlGDpyAklnmkjP%2BmfaauBKvfS9G9RzUQRJI%3D But, I’ve still got a problem because when I URLDecode the parameter, it alters the string. Instead of: l5N6axdBQlGDpyAklnmkjP+mfaauBKvfS9G9RzUQRJI= I get: l5N6axdBQlGDpyAklnmkjP mfaauBKvfS9G9RzUQRJI= It’s changing the “+” to a space. As a result, my decrypt fails. My question is: What’s the best way to generally handle this requirement? I know I could just replace the space with a “+”, but I’m expecting there may be other characters that don’t get handled correctly. And, I don’t want to get a bunch of unexpected errors. I’m using ColdFusion 8 and doing the encrypt like this: encrypt(ARGUMENTS.data, variables.theKey, "DESEDE", "Base64") Is there a better encryption or encoding to use? Or, is there a better way to use URLEncode and URLDecode? Thanks for any ideas! Clarke ------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe from this list, manage your profile @ http://www.acfug.org?fa=login.edituserform For more info, see http://www.acfug.org/mailinglists Archive @ http://www.mail-archive.com/discussion%40acfug.org/ List hosted by http://www.fusionlink.com -------------------------------------------------------------