Within minutes of writing my previous memo, I figured out how the FCKEditor image browser works, so
the only question is how to get it enabled.

Forrest C. Gilmore wrote:
I have been trying to use the Rich Text editor (FCKEditor) available through the <cftextarea> tag in CF8.
I have encountered two issues at this point I need help with.

I find that the FCKConfig.ImageBrowser parameter is set to false by default, so the server browser button does not appear when you launch the Image editor. I know how to change this, but my SP does not provide access to my CFIDE folder. Is there a way to change this parameter through code, and if so, how?

I can make the button visible on my local PC, but when I click it, I get a window that appears to be displaying a folder, but I don't know which folder, no files are displayed, and I can not get it to switch to another folder. How is this file browser window supposed to work?

I'm waiting on tech support to address these issues, but do any of you have any suggestions?

Forrest C. Gilmore

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