Does anyone know an estimate of when Adobe plans to release CFBuilder and
CF 9? I know they are in beta now - but for some project planning where I
work, we need to know if it is worth the time to investigate upgrading to
CF 9 instead of CF 8, which is what we are currently planning before
year's end.  If CF 9 was released in October at the latest, we could go
directly to 9 from 7 before January.

> Well, the problem is that it's hard to cover "getting started with
> CFBuilder" in just an hour.
> For instance,
> -          there's one talk that could be for those coming from CFEclipse
> (what's different between those),
> -          then there's an entirely other talk for those coming from
> DW/HomeSite/CFStudio (which has to include introducing Eclipse).
> -          Even then, trying to cover that audience would take more than
> an
> hour (because you still need to tell them what's unique about CFB,
> separate
> from Eclipse itself.)
> -          Then there's still another talk on the ins and outs of
> challenges
> people can face (like that which Sean raised, and there are many more.)
> Because of this, I've instead decided to create online classes on these
> things.
> First up will be a daylong class, oriented toward that audience of folks
> coming from non-Eclipse editors, and it will cover three broad areas: the
> least you need to know about Eclipse, the fundamental editing features of
> CFBuilder, and other features of CFBuilder (like the debugger, the
> extensions support, the server management, etc.) Even covering that last
> section briefly, the rest fits nicely into a day.
> I'll be offering it at CFUnited (as a daylong class on Tuesday) and then
> I'll be offering it as an online class after the conference.
> I then plan to create a still different class, perhaps half-day, oriented
> instead toward that audience of people coming from Eclipse who want to
> explore what's different. That's a very different audience (and most won't
> bother be interested in a class anyway, I suspect, but I'll offer it in
> case
> there are any takers.)
> Over time I plan to create yet other half-day classes each to get into
> details of things like using the debugger (more than meets the eye),
> creating extensions (quite an expansive topic also), solving problems with
> configuration of the managed servers and RDS setup, and so on.
> But sure, along the way (as I build these and once I do), I can see
> creating
> one-hour versions to offer as user groups that touch on some of the key
> points of each subject.
> Until then, I'm sure someone else will probably step up to do the same. I
> don't begrudge them that. I just think we have to be really careful about
> the audiences for these talks. It's kind of like having a talk on
> frameworks: do you assume the audience already uses one or not? Is the
> talk
> about one framework? Can you assume they already understand design
> patterns?
> Use CFCs? Etc. These things often make it hard for some topics to be
> covered
> in any one hour-long session.  :-)
> Don't know if you (or others here) were looking for all that, but it came
> to
> mind. :-)
> /charlie
> From: [] On Behalf Of Douglas
> Knudsen
> Sent: Thursday, August 06, 2009 10:21 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [ACFUG Discuss] ADobe ColdFusion Builder
> So, I'm wishing I was presenting "Using That Shiny New Coldfusion
> Builder",
> but alas I'm not.  I see a good topic for someone to step up and present
> on
> here.
> Douglas Knudsen
> this is my signature, like it?
> On Thu, Aug 6, 2009 at 11:21 AM, Charlie Arehart <>
> wrote:
> Hey Sean, that wouldn't be a problem with the RDS implementation. That
> would
> be with the aspect of adding a server to be managed from within CFB.
> I do so lament that they have gone this way of kind of forcing people into
> thinking that they need to "add their server" to CFB, and that they need
> to
> install the "admin instance" to a server to be "used with CFB".
> <snip>
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