Something like:

I would perform a prevalidation of the file path being passed to ensure you
are getting a
valid string that is not being tampered with.

<cffunction name="loadWDDXFile"

    <cfargument name="wddxFilePath"
            type="string" />

    <cfset var wddxString = "" />
    <cfset var qryFromFile = "" />

    <!--- Modify this to the meta of your query that you are expecting from
the file --->
    <cfset qryFromFile = queryNew("column1, column2, column3", "varchar,
varchar, varchar") />

    <cfif FileExists(arguments.wddxFilePath)>


            <cffile action="read"
                variable="wddxString" />

            <cfcatch type="any">

                <cfthrow type=""
                    message="WDDX configuration file not found:
#arguments.wddxFilePath#" />



        <cfif isWDDX(wddxString)>

            <cfwddx action="wddx2cfml" input="#wddxString#"
output="qryFromFile" />



    <cfreturn qryFromFile />


Teddy R. Payne, ACCFD
Google Talk -

On Fri, Nov 20, 2009 at 2:35 PM, Jeff Howard <> wrote:

> Thanks for the help.  I understand how to do that part, but how do I get
> the packet from my server to their server is more my question and then read
> it?  That is the part I'm disconnecting on.  I have all the code written
> except for that step.  I have already deserialized and converted into a
> query object fror query of queries, I just am missing how port the wddx from
> my server/app to their server/app.
> On Fri, Nov 20, 2009 at 2:31 PM, <> wrote:
>>  <!--- Deserialize to a variable named wddxResult. --->
>> Deserializing WDDX packet...<p>
>> <cfwddx action = "wddx2cfml" input = #wddxText# output = "qnew">
>>  ------------------------------
>> *From:* [] *On Behalf Of *Jeff
>> Howard
>> *Sent:* Friday, November 20, 2009 2:25 PM
>> *To:*
>> *Subject:* [ACFUG Discuss] porting data using wddx
>>   Hey all,
>> I'm trying to do something else new to me.  I have an app that I'm trying
>> to send to someone without sending passwords to the db.  This is a demo of
>> the app.  What I am trying to do is read the needed table into a query,
>> convert the query to wddx and send the app to have them install.  What I'm
>> trying to figure out is how to read the wddx file so I can convert it back
>> into a cf query object to use query of queries on so that they can run the
>> demo without actually connecting to the db.
>> I've converted to the wddx file and believe I know what to do once they
>> have the app installed but I can't seem to figure out what to do with the
>> wddx file to port it and have CF read it on their end.
>> Does anyone have a quick tip or an article on how to accomplish this?
>> Thanks,
>> Jeff
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