Looking out on the internet, I came across an interesting article that 
might point to the issue - take a look at the surrounding threads on here 
for further info - not sure this will be the solution - just an 
idea....sounds the very same as what you're seeing.


Craig Nassal

Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta
1000 Peachtree St. N.E.
Atlanta, Ga 30309-4470

Dusty Hale <du...@climbonline.com> 
Sent by: ad...@acfug.org
01/27/10 02:25 PM
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[ACFUG Discuss] a very strange sql error that only happens when using CF


I've run into a very strange issue. I have a cfc which has a <cfquery> tag 
in it. I recently added one field the SQL in the query and am getting an 
error I've never seen before. I can't seem to dig out any info to solve 
this. If anyone is familiar, please share.

Of course when I output the SQL and run in a SQL Studio Query window, the 
query runs fine with no errors. 

Here the error I see in CF:


[Macromedia][SQLServer JDBC Driver][SQLServer]Divide by zero error 

The error occurred in 
D:\websites\xytexcom_stage2\htdocs\cfc\donorsearch.cfc: line 149
Called from D:\websites\xytexcom_stage2\htdocs\cfc\donorsearch.cfc: line 
Called from D:\websites\xytexcom_stage2\htdocs\search.cfm: line 48
Called from D:\websites\xytexcom_stage2\htdocs\cfc\donorsearch.cfc: line 
Called from D:\websites\xytexcom_stage2\htdocs\cfc\donorsearch.cfc: line 
Called from D:\websites\xytexcom_stage2\htdocs\search.cfm: line 48

147 :                            </cfscript>
148 :                            <cfquery name="q" 
datasource="#application.dsn_name#" username="#application.db_user#" 
149 :                            #qText#

150 :                            </cfquery>

Here's the SQL code in the qText variable. Please note that it runs fun in 
Query Analyzer. Also note that no division is being used.

Select donorid, occupation, race, haircolor, hairtexture, eyecolor, 
religion, bloodtype, height, weight, heightmetric, weightmetric, 
reportedpregnancy, opendonorid, infomp3avail, ethnicity, cmvstatus, 
DateEntered, ARTavail, ARTonly, SelectDonors FROM v_websearch where 
available = 1 AND donorid like '%9986%' ORDER BY donorid

Any advise or thought on this of course is greatly appreciated.


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