So just to let you all know. I did find a solution.

I basically rolled my code back to the way it was yesterday because it
always worked before. Then I made the same little update I made today AGAIN
(just adding a reference to one other column in the query). Now it works.

I still don't for the life of me get how I can output the string of SQL and
run it fine in both a query analyzer and and in a cfquery tag yet when I
pass it in as a variable, CF adds additional single quotes on its own. That
is a new and very bizarre thing to see for me.

Well I can't figure out but I did at least get past it so I can move on but
still the curiosity is killing me.

Thanks to all that replied and have a great day and a great rest of the

On Wed, Jan 27, 2010 at 3:53 PM, Dusty Hale <> wrote:

> Just to rule it out though I tried it. Didn't help though.
> On Wed, Jan 27, 2010 at 3:36 PM, Forrest C. Gilmore <>wrote:
>> Go into CF Help and look up the Preservesinglequotes function.
>> Forrest C. Gilmore
>> ========================
>> Dusty Hale wrote:
>>> Yep that runs fine.
>>> This is really strange. The value of the qText variable is the same as
>>> the query below yet when I stuff #qText# in there, it somehow doubles the
>>> quotes by itself. Damn I just don't get how it could or would do that.
>>> If I output the value of the qText variable on a page, quotes are
>>> correct. Have you ever seen anything like this?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Dusty
>>> On Wed, Jan 27, 2010 at 3:00 PM, Teddy R. Payne 
>>> <<mailto:
>>>>> wrote:
>>>    Dusty,
>>>    As a source of troubleshooting, have you put the SQL string into
>>>    the cfquery statement in its final form?  I am wondering if the
>>>    SQL runs correctly in the cfquery before the dynamic evaluation.
>>>    <cfquery name="q" datasource="#application.dsn_name#"
>>>    username="#application.db_user#" password="#application.db_
>>>    pword#">
>>>    Select donorid, occupation, race, haircolor, hairtexture,
>>>    eyecolor, religion, bloodtype, height, weight, heightmetric,
>>>    weightmetric, reportedpregnancy, opendonorid, infomp3avail,
>>>    ethnicity, cmvstatus, DateEntered, ARTavail, ARTonly, SelectDonors
>>>    FROM v_websearch where available = 1 AND donorid like '%9986%'
>>>    ORDER BY donorid
>>>    </cfquery>
>>>    Does this run correctly?
>>>    Teddy R. Payne, ACCFD
>>>    Google Talk - <>
>>>    On Wed, Jan 27, 2010 at 2:47 PM, Dusty Hale <
>>>    <>> wrote:
>>>        Teddy here's how I build the qText string part where the
>>>        quotes are:
>>>        if(len(txtDonorId)){
>>>                qText = qText & "AND donorid like '%" & txtDonorId &
>>>        "%' ";
>>>                }
>>>        On Wed, Jan 27, 2010 at 2:28 PM, Teddy R. Payne
>>>        < <>> wrote:
>>>            Dusty,
>>>            What type of single quotes are those?  What is the source
>>>            of the text? Was the query copied and pasted from a
>>>            Microsoft document?
>>>            Teddy R. Payne, ACCFD
>>>            Google Talk -
>>>            <>
>>>            On Wed, Jan 27, 2010 at 2:24 PM, Dusty Hale
>>>            < <>> wrote:
>>>                Hi:
>>>                I've run into a very strange issue. I have a cfc which
>>>                has a <cfquery> tag in it. I recently added one field
>>>                the SQL in the query and am getting an error I've
>>>                never seen before. I can't seem to dig out any info to
>>>                solve this. If anyone is familiar, please share.
>>>                Of course when I output the SQL and run in a SQL
>>>                Studio Query window, the query runs fine with no errors.
>>>                Here the error I see in CF:
>>> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>                [Macromedia][SQLServer JDBC Driver][SQLServer]Divide
>>>                by zero error encountered.
>>>                The error occurred in
>>>                *D:\websites\xytexcom_stage2\htdocs\cfc\donorsearch.cfc:
>>>                line 149*
>>>                *Called from*
>>>                D:\websites\xytexcom_stage2\htdocs\cfc\donorsearch.cfc:
>>>                line 139
>>>                *Called from*
>>>                D:\websites\xytexcom_stage2\htdocs\search.cfm: line 48
>>>                *Called from*
>>>                D:\websites\xytexcom_stage2\htdocs\cfc\donorsearch.cfc:
>>>                line 149
>>>                *Called from*
>>>                D:\websites\xytexcom_stage2\htdocs\cfc\donorsearch.cfc:
>>>                line 139
>>>                *Called from*
>>>                D:\websites\xytexcom_stage2\htdocs\search.cfm: line 48
>>>                147 :           </cfscript>
>>>                148 :           <cfquery name="q"
>>> datasource="#application.dsn_name#" username="#application.db_user#"
>>> password="#application.db_pword#">
>>>                *149 :          #qText#*
>>>                150 :           </cfquery>
>>>                -----------------------------------------
>>>                Here's the SQL code in the qText variable. Please note
>>>                that it runs fun in Query Analyzer. Also note that no
>>>                division is being used.
>>>  ----------------------------------------------------------------
>>>                Select donorid, occupation, race, haircolor,
>>>                hairtexture, eyecolor, religion, bloodtype, height,
>>>                weight, heightmetric, weightmetric, reportedpregnancy,
>>>                opendonorid, infomp3avail, ethnicity, cmvstatus,
>>>                DateEntered, ARTavail, ARTonly, SelectDonors FROM
>>>                v_websearch where available = 1 AND donorid like
>>>                '%9986%' ORDER BY donorid
>>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>                Any advise or thought on this of course is greatly
>>>                appreciated.
>>>                Dusty
>>>        --        Dusty Hale
>>>        Email:
>>>        Phone (Atlanta): 404.474.3754
>>>        Phone (Toll Free USA): 877.841.3370
>>>        Website: <>
>>> --
>>> Dusty Hale
>>> Email:
>>> Phone (Atlanta): 404.474.3754
>>> Phone (Toll Free USA): 877.841.3370
>>> Website: <>
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> --
> Dusty Hale
> Email:
> Phone (Atlanta): 404.474.3754
> Phone (Toll Free USA): 877.841.3370
> Website:

Dusty Hale
Phone (Atlanta): 404.474.3754
Phone (Toll Free USA): 877.841.3370

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