Teddy here's how I build the qText string part where the quotes are:

        qText = qText & "AND donorid like '%" & txtDonorId & "%' ";

On Wed, Jan 27, 2010 at 2:28 PM, Teddy R. Payne <teddyrpa...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Dusty,
> What type of single quotes are those?  What is the source of the text? Was
> the query copied and pasted from a Microsoft document?
> Teddy R. Payne, ACCFD
> Google Talk - teddyrpa...@gmail.com
> On Wed, Jan 27, 2010 at 2:24 PM, Dusty Hale <du...@climbonline.com> wrote:
>> Hi:
>> I've run into a very strange issue. I have a cfc which has a <cfquery> tag
>> in it. I recently added one field the SQL in the query and am getting an
>> error I've never seen before. I can't seem to dig out any info to solve
>> this. If anyone is familiar, please share.
>> Of course when I output the SQL and run in a SQL Studio Query window, the
>> query runs fine with no errors.
>> Here the error I see in CF:
>> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> [Macromedia][SQLServer JDBC Driver][SQLServer]Divide by zero error
>> encountered.
>> The error occurred in 
>> *D:\websites\xytexcom_stage2\htdocs\cfc\donorsearch.cfc:
>> line 149*
>> *Called from* D:\websites\xytexcom_stage2\htdocs\cfc\donorsearch.cfc:
>> line 139
>> *Called from* D:\websites\xytexcom_stage2\htdocs\search.cfm: line 48
>> *Called from* D:\websites\xytexcom_stage2\htdocs\cfc\donorsearch.cfc:
>> line 149
>> *Called from* D:\websites\xytexcom_stage2\htdocs\cfc\donorsearch.cfc:
>> line 139
>> *Called from* D:\websites\xytexcom_stage2\htdocs\search.cfm: line 48
>> 147 :                </cfscript>
>> 148 :                <cfquery name="q" datasource="#application.dsn_name#" 
>> username="#application.db_user#" password="#application.db_pword#">
>> *149 :               #qText#*
>> 150 :                </cfquery>
>> -----------------------------------------
>> Here's the SQL code in the qText variable. Please note that it runs fun in
>> Query Analyzer. Also note that no division is being used.
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------
>> Select donorid, occupation, race, haircolor, hairtexture, eyecolor,
>> religion, bloodtype, height, weight, heightmetric, weightmetric,
>> reportedpregnancy, opendonorid, infomp3avail, ethnicity, cmvstatus,
>> DateEntered, ARTavail, ARTonly, SelectDonors FROM v_websearch where
>> available = 1 AND donorid like '%9986%' ORDER BY donorid
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Any advise or thought on this of course is greatly appreciated.
>> Dusty

Dusty Hale
Email: du...@dustyhale.com
Phone (Atlanta): 404.474.3754
Phone (Toll Free USA): 877.841.3370
Website: www.DustyHale.com

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