See. :-) With all due respect and admiration, Steve, that's just the sort of
attitude I'm railing against. I think it's just dead wrong to flatly reject
the tag outright, suggesting that it should NEVER be used. :-)

Again, I get that for SOME people and for SOME situations, there may be
reasons that it doesn't work for you. Goodness, that's true with just about
anything, right? 

But before accepting that bold dismissal, I hope that some who've heard only
that sort of ill regard for it will take a look at the article I pointed out
below, where I highlighted a few ways that CFFORM and its subsidiary tags
have evolved fairly significantly over the years.  Some of them are quite
valuable, such as the "submitonce" validation that was added to help prevent
users from hitting submit twice on a form, or the cfinput type="datefield"
which offers a very useful popup calendar. 

Granted, many have the chops and motivation to craft such features by hand
or may choose to use scripts (or entire libraries) they get from elsewhere,
and there's no denying that becoming versed in a new ajax library can bring
still more value in features that perhaps Adobe hasn't yet implemented. 

But my whole point is that for a great majority of users, having the feature
built-in without any need for coding is simply a valuable asset that
shouldn't be dismissed so readily and completely. Again, I'd recommend
people take in the various perspectives but give caution to outright
dismissals. That just isn't due diligence.

But hey, mine is indeed just one person's opinion. I don't expect it to
carry any more weight than others. 


PS Here's the PDF url again:

CFFORM: Are You Sure You Want to Ignore It?


From: [] On Behalf Of Steve Ross
Sent: Thursday, March 11, 2010 1:42 PM
Subject: Re: [ACFUG Discuss] validating credit card numbers with CF


Well the problem with CFFORM is that it will burn you.  I have stopped using
it as a result. It is easier to know what is going to happen when there
isn't some blackbox trying to do whatever you think you want for you. This
is especially the case with all the built in ajax stuff. Do yourself a favor
and NEVER use it unless you you are doing some one off ad hoc page that will
be thrown away. However, we all know how rarely that happens and typically
you will come back to it and have to rewrite when some bug hits later on
down the line.


Ok I'll stop ranting... back to flex.

On Thu, Mar 11, 2010 at 12:01 PM, Charlie Arehart <>

About Frank's situation of having been burned in the past by CFFORM, it kind
of makes my point. It's this kind of situation, where someone gets burned
and the issue is later fixed, where sadly so often the "bad taste" is left
and people "move on". Worse, at least in your case you know the problem was
fixed, but others may have seen people report the issue but never heard of
MM's solution to it, so they go on bad-mouthing the tool.


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