
Thank you. I did a scan and this application does not use ListToArray(), but I will double check a few areas because I know I use similar functions like ValueList().

I also understand your DB changes... I changed this site from SQL Server to MySQL 2 years ago. My day job uses Oracle while both my side jobs use MySQL.

Thanks again,

On 09/04/2010 02:23 PM, Dawn Hoagland wrote:
We recently moved an app from CF7 to CF9.  The only issue language related that we ran into was that the arguments for the ListToArray() function (I think, I don't have the code in front of me) changed and caused a few unexpected results in some reports.  Every other issue we had was moving the DB from SQL Server to Oracle - definitely a much bigger change...


On Sat, Sep 4, 2010 at 1:57 PM, Frank Moorman <stretch...@franksdomain.net> wrote:
Thank you Charlie. I will look at the blog entries.

I have used the code checker and I have even used CF9 for two months on a development machine. But I still worry. I googled for the information before I created this email and I did not find much which makes me wonder if I am just cynical or too cautious about it being a clean move. (On an aside, sometimes I also think that being experienced means that you expect failure so that you can deal with it as soon as it happens, instead of going into denial that your code can't be at fault.)

I remember the big changes and problems caused during the last upgrade (CF5-CF7). The move to java also moved the database drivers from ODBC to JDBC. When that occurred, parameter overloading on stored procedures was no longer supported and it caused us to rewrite many of our existing procs. In addition the JDBC change obsoleted the DBVARNAME attribute and changed all CFPROCPARAMS to be positional instead of identifying the variable. We searched for and corrected this as well as we could during testing, but I think the last positional error was not found until 4-6 months after the code hit production.

The other big issue during the migration was the CF7 bug that did not run custom _javascript_ if you used any CFINPUT edits to check for data validity. We found this error about two weeks before implementation and ran around applying a workaround to each page this affected (about 125 pages if I remember correctly.) A few days after we finished putting in our workaround Macromedia came out with a patch for it.

But before I keep droning on and on, Thank you for the information.


On 09/04/2010 12:01 PM, Charlie Arehart wrote:
Hey Frank, at least with respect to the aspect of your jump including going "through"
CF8, this blog entry from Josh points to several resource for those moving to it:


Granted, I know you want info on 9. I'm not aware of any that have been done, though
perhaps there have been.

One place to look, at least to get more info on what's changed, is a list of CF9
tutorial resources gathered up (from many people) by blogger Akbarsait:


Going back to the move to CF8, one of the resources Josh points to is a blog entry of
mine which may also interest you:


I'll say as well that certainly your move from 5 to 7 was huge, on two counts: CF6 had
been a major rewrite of CF onto Java, and 7 added quite a lot.

The move from 7 to 9 should be less challenging. It seems that there's been even more
focus in recent releases to try to do no harm to existing apps, but of course there's
always something that can have changed that might affect one user more than most, so
testing is always vital.

Finally, as Josh points out in his entry, don't forget the available Code
Compatibility Checker that's built into the CF Administrator and has been for years.
Of course, it's upgraded each release. It's not perfect, but it's a start.

Hope that helps.


-----Original Message-----
From: ad...@acfug.org [mailto:ad...@acfug.org] On Behalf Of Frank Moorman
Sent: Saturday, September 04, 2010 2:53 AM
To: discussion@acfug.org
Subject: [ACFUG Discuss] Upgrading CF7 to CF9


I am planning on upgrading from CF 7 to CF9.

The last time I did a major upgrade was when I moved from CF5 to CF7. At
that time, Macromedia provided documentation on exactly what to look for
in your code before the upgrade. (mostly tag/attribute changes and
deprecations.) I did find the following web page:


However this page seems sparse in comparison to the documentation that I
remember during my last upgrade.

Has there not been any more deprecated tags and functions since CF7? Or
does Adobe believe upgrading will be painless for all? If anyone can
point me to additional documentation I would appreciate it.

In addition, if anyone had a major issue during an upgrade from 7 (or 8)
to 9, I would appreciate a heads up on what to watch out for.


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