Thanks for the info Charlie. I'm going to have to have download the updates and run them from the command line. The box in question is a Solaris 10 machine, and I've had nothing but issues with CF 10 on Solaris unfortunately. The biggest issue is that in CF Administrator, clicking the "submit" button on any page after changing a setting throws an error and logs the user out. You can log back in and try it again, but the result will be the same. I've found this to be true after installing the mandatory certificate fix. So, I'd hope that update 5 addresses this issue.

On 11/30/2012 10:49 AM, Charlie Arehart wrote:
Mike, this need to run the updates on a non-connected machine is indeed
addressed. Just not on the administrator screen (perhaps something they
should change).

The question was asked as a comment in the most recent blog entry about
updater 5, and I offered an extended explanation and answer to the bottom
line question there.

The short answer is that you can get the downloads via this URL:, and then put
it on the machine in question, to run either in the Admin or from the
command line.

But for any who feel that the admin or blog entries offer too little
information about common challenges one may encounter with the auto hotfix
mechanism, please do see my comment on that entry where I point to much more
detailed information that Adobe provides:

See also my follow-on comment right after it (#35). I think you'll be amazed
at the great info that's available, if you just know where to look. I
totally get that Adobe should do more wherever they discuss the hotfixes
(blogs, the updater interface in the admin, and the docs) to make it more
clear to people how and where to find that additional info.

Hope that helps, Mike.


-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf Of Mike Staver
Sent: Thursday, November 29, 2012 11:58 PM
Subject: [ACFUG Discuss] ColdFusion 10 updates Offline

Can someone point me to a download location for the coldfusion 10 updates? I
find it incredibly odd that I do not find them in any of the obvious places
I would expect to. Yes, I know they want us to get them from the
administrator screens. I can't. I have a machine that is installed in an
enclave without Internet access. I need to be able to put the updates on a
disc and take them there. Please tell me I don't have to go to the trouble
of downloading the updates via another cf install and dig them out of the
updates folder. That seems silly to me.


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