On Wed, Aug 7, 2013 at 3:29 PM, Chris wrote:

> This has happened few times in a week. ColdFusion Builder freezes before I
> can save my changes. I have to forcibly close it due to which I lose my
> changes.
> What could be causing this and how can I fix it?


Try what's Charlie described and see if it helps. If it doesn't...

I've found that any Eclipse based IDE is super memory hungry. Flex Builder
was the same. If you can't get CFBuilder working to your satisfaction, you
might also take a look at Sublime Text 2, which I started using exclusively
about a year ago. It uses way less memory, is very snappy, and has CFML
extensions available.


I'd gotten to the point that I had to give CFBuilder/Eclipse about a third
of my whole machine's memory for it to run and it still paused all the time
for garbage collection. Sublime Text is crazy awesome compared to CFBuilder
in that regard.


Cameron Childress
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