OK, but that's the first time you've said that in all your notes. :-) I said
from my first note that I was surmising that you might be using IIS based on
other info in your first note (referring to other MS technologies,

So let's change course: I still would assert that you should explore any way
that web servers might play a role rather than focus only on the LDAP server
as the seeming culprit. You're not finding anything that suggests there's
such a limit in the LDAP server, right? BTW, where is the LDAP server? Are
you saying that you know that it, too, is definitely NOT behind IIS?

And you are saying that the error is not between the client and CQ/AEM,
right? So we don't need to wonder about a limitation in the Tomcat web
server, if we assume that THAT is what CQ/AEM is using.

Still, your notes have not really conveyed how you get the uploads from your
web app (now we know it to be CQ/AEM on Tomcat). Is it that it (CQ/AEM) or
some code running in it that you wrote somehow pushes the file once received
in the web application to the LDAP server? Do you know how it does that? Is
it a web service call? A .net object call? You said in your last note that
there "aren't any network devices between the application and ldap servers",
so I'm hopeful you can share insight on what you know to be the connection
between the two.

It's possible that IIS is still a player in terms of the interface to the
LDAP server. If you have confirmation that it is not, do you know if it's
any sort of web server? If you're making a web service call from CQ/AEM to
the LDAP, there certainly would be one, but I realize it may NOT be a web
service call, in which case then assuming it's not some other sort of
http-based call, then yes I suppose we can finally rule out web servers from
the mix.

Please don't hear me being antagonistic. I'm going on your original note
that said you could find no one else reporting any such 10m limit for LDAP.
So I'm trying to help you think outside that box to see if there is
something you're not considering.


-----Original Message-----
From: ad...@acfug.org [mailto:ad...@acfug.org] On Behalf Of Mike Staver
Sent: Monday, February 24, 2014 1:20 PM
To: discussion@acfug.org
Subject: Re: [ACFUG Discuss] LDAP file size limit

IIS isn't in the mix on this server at all. CQ is running as a standalone
application server on port 4503 with no other firewall or load balancer in
between itself and the LDAP server.

On 2/24/2014 8:26 AM, Charlie Arehart wrote:
> OK, but even if it's a Tomcat app (as is CF10+ itself), that doesn't 
> rule out IIS as a player in the equation. They (or a customer) could 
> choose to implement it behind IIS, or of course Apache, or indeed 
> Tomcat's own web server (as is the case with the "built-in web server" in
> So I think you will want to confirm if that's so. For instance, if the 
> URL to access this web app has no port then it's using port 80, and if 
> you run IIS that would typically (though not necessarily) mean that 
> you were running that web app through IIS. Even if there is some other 
> non-standard port, that could STILL be pointing to a site defined in 
> IIS. Only you (or someone there with access to IIS, if not you) can 
> know for sure. I'd confirm it before continuing to look elsewhere.
> /charlie

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