So looking further into the documentation, SpreadSheetRemoveSheet  was
added in 9.01 so that does explain why my version is not recognizing the
function. I should've noticed that but I was in hour 13 of my work day and
it slipped past.

Any ideas on why the "update" isn't working?

Thanks again,

On Fri, Mar 14, 2014 at 11:22 AM, Jeff Howard <> wrote:

> Thanks Charlie.
> The real solution would be sfspreadsheet = "update" to work as posted in
> my post/email just prior to this. The idea to delete the spreadsheet was me
> trying to figure out a work around for the update not working.
> Any help with that (from anyone in the know) would be greatly appreciated.
> The version of CF is 9,0,0,251028. I got an email from the hosting company
> (Hostek) about updating my server to a CF10 server this morning. So if this
> is an issue with CF 9,0,0,251028 and updating to a CF10 server would solve
> the problem then I'll go that route. If there is just something I'm not
> seeing in the code that is a quicker fix, I'll do that and the
> upgrade/update the server over the weekend.
> Once again on this is the error I'm getting:
>  An exception occurred while using action=update.   
> java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: The workbook already contains a sheet
> of this name
> When I run this code that is reading a blank xls template, plugging in
> data and trying to save it. The problem seems to be that the first
> spreadsheet read is reading both sheets and then subsequently saving both
> sheets and then when I try to do the update it says that the sheet already
> exists.
> <cfspreadsheet action="read"
> src="#application.rootDir#assets\C3d\IgG_Single_Template.xlsm"
> name="Patient_Output" sheet="1">
> <cfspreadsheet action="read"
> src="#application.rootDir#assets\C3d\IgG_Single_Template.xlsm"
> name="newCalc_P1" sheet="2">
> <cfset
> SpreadsheetSetCellValue(Patient_Output,patientResults.patientName,7,5)>
> <cfset SpreadsheetSetCellValue(Patient_Output,,8,5)>
> <cfset
> SpreadsheetSetCellValue(Patient_Output,DateFormat(patientResults.patientDOB,"mm/dd/yyyy"),9,5)>
> <cfset
> SpreadsheetSetCellValue(Patient_Output,DateFormat(patientResults.sampleDate,"mm/dd/yyyy"),10,5)>
> <cfset
> SpreadsheetSetCellValue(Patient_Output,DateFormat(patientResults.reportDate,"mm/dd/yyyy"),11,5)>
> <cfset SpreadsheetSetCellValue(Patient_Output,,12,5)>
> <cfset SpreadsheetSetCellValue(Patient_Output,"link goes here",13,3)>
> <!--- remove columns that should not be displayed in the charts --->
> <cfset assayList = ListDeleteAt(getIgG.columnList,
> ListFindNoCase(getIgG.columnList,"IgGID"))>
> <cfset assayList = ListDeleteAt(assayList,
> ListFindNoCase(assayList,"IgGValuesID"))>
> <cfset assayList = ListDeleteAt(assayList,
> ListFindNoCase(assayList,"patientID"))>
> <cfset writeRow = 1>
> <cfset writeColAdd = 0>
> <cfloop list="#assayList#" index="curAssay">
>  <!--- Determine what row to write the value to. --->
>  <cfset writeRow = ++writeRow>
>     <cfif writeRow eq 46>
>      <cfset writeRow = 2>
>   <cfset writeColAdd = writeColAdd + 7>
>     </cfif>
>  <cfset curAssayValue = "getIgG.#curAssay#">
>     <!--- Determine what column to write the value to. --->
>  <cfif Evaluate(curAssayValue) lt 1>
>      <cfset writeCol = 2 + writeColAdd>
>     <cfelseif Evaluate(curAssayValue) gte 1 AND Evaluate(curAssayValue) lt
> 2>
>      <cfset writeCol = 3 + writeColAdd>
>     <cfelseif Evaluate(curAssayValue) gte 2 AND Evaluate(curAssayValue) lt
> 3>
>      <cfset writeCol = 4 + writeColAdd>
>     <cfelseif Evaluate(curAssayValue) gte 3 AND Evaluate(curAssayValue) lt
> 4>
>      <cfset writeCol = 5 + writeColAdd>
>     <cfelseif Evaluate(curAssayValue) gte 4>
>      <cfset writeCol = 6 + writeColAdd>
>     </cfif>
>     <!--- Write the value to cell. --->
>     <cfset
> SpreadsheetSetCellValue(newCalc_P1,Evaluate(curAssayValue),writeRow,writeCol)>
>     <!---  --->
>     <cfset theValue =
> SpreadsheetGetCellValue(newCalc_P1,writeRow,writeCol)>
> </cfloop>
> <!--- Write both sheets to the new file. --->
> <cfspreadsheet action="write" filename="#theFile#" name="Patient_Output"
> overwrite="true">
> <cfspreadsheet action="update" filename="#theFile#" name="newCalc_P1"
> sheetname="newCalc_P1">
> <!--- Redirect user to the patient spreadsheet. --->
> <cflocation url="/C3d/individual_results/#patientResults.lname#.xlsm">
> On Fri, Mar 14, 2014 at 9:55 AM, Charlie Arehart <>wrote:
>> Jeff, I have never used any of that functionality, but since you say you
>> are on CF9, have you applied any/all updates? There may be bugs that were
>> long-since fixed, but I find that many people (or their server admin's)
>> never bother to update CF, especially 9 and earlier since it was often
>> quite a bear to do.
>> If you want to know what version you have (9.0, 9.0.1, or 9.0.2) and what
>> updates you have, I have a blog entry helping with that:
>> And if you may decide to proceed with some update(s), do proceed with
>> caution. I share some warnings here:
>> Note as well that if you think that downloading an installer from Adobe
>> should mean it has all the updates already applied, that's not so, as I
>> discuss here:
>> And if you may wonder how to find available hotfixes, I provide links to
>> them in that last blog entry.
>> Finally, if you may be tempted to go to 9.0.2 (not saying that's your
>> solution necessarily), consider the info I share here:
>> But I appreciate that none of this may help solve your problem. Maybe
>> there's something obvious you're doing or not that someone more familiar
>> with the spreadsheet features may help with. I just wanted to offer this as
>> something to consider in the meantime.
>> /charlie
>> *From:* [] *On Behalf Of *Jeff
>> Howard
>> *Sent:* Friday, March 14, 2014 1:15 AM
>> *To:*
>> *Subject:* [ACFUG Discuss] does SPREADSHEETREMOVESHEET not work?
>> I copied the code straight from Adobe's site and rewrote it using
>> cfscript, cfset, cfset temp =, cfset obj = and all of them threw the same
>> error.
>> Variable SPREADSHEETREMOVESHEET is undefined.
>> Here is the various code I tried in CF 9:
>> <cfset spreadsheetRemoveSheet(Patient_Output,"newCalc_P1")>
>> <cfset temp = spreadsheetRemoveSheet(Patient_Output,"newCalc_P1")>
>> <cfset Patient_Output
>> = spreadsheetRemoveSheet(Patient_Output,"newCalc_P1")>
>> <cfscript>
>>     Patient_Output = spreadsheetRemoveSheet(Patient_Output,"newCalc_P1");
>> </cfscript>
>> I thought that with all the spreadsheet functionality that this project
>> would be fairly quick and need it tomorrow. I was trying to find a work
>> around for the duplicate sheet error in the last message I posted so
>> thought maybe if I deleted the sheet first and then saved it I would have a
>> work around and instead I just got another error message.
>> Help!!!
>> Thanks in advance for any and all help,
>> Jeff
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