I'll say again that it could be that your problem could be fixed by an
update. You are on 9.0. There were several hotfixes, cumulative hotfixes,
and security hotfixes for that. 

And even if you move to 9.0.1, there were several for that as well.

But if you wonder if CF10 might solve it (indeed, it would include all the
hotfixes that existed for CF9 at the time CF10 was released), maybe just
install the free trial or dev edition on a box somewhere and try your code.

Or if you have some example of code that stands alone entirely, one of us
running CF10 could run it for you. (Heck, we could run it on an updated CF9
release and let you know if it runs.)

Hope that's helpful.

BTW, I created a blog entry based on the info I shared in the earlier note
(and expanding upon it), in case that info (about updating CF9 and earlier)
may be something anyone would want to share with others:





From: ad...@acfug.org [mailto:ad...@acfug.org] On Behalf Of Jeff Howard
Sent: Friday, March 14, 2014 12:15 PM
To: discussion@acfug.org
Subject: Re: [ACFUG Discuss] does SPREADSHEETREMOVESHEET not work?


So looking further into the documentation, SpreadSheetRemoveSheet  was added
in 9.01 so that does explain why my version is not recognizing the function.
I should've noticed that but I was in hour 13 of my work day and it slipped


Any ideas on why the "update" isn't working?


Thanks again,





On Fri, Mar 14, 2014 at 11:22 AM, Jeff Howard <jeh...@gmail.com> wrote:

Thanks Charlie.


The real solution would be sfspreadsheet = "update" to work as posted in my
post/email just prior to this. The idea to delete the spreadsheet was me
trying to figure out a work around for the update not working.


Any help with that (from anyone in the know) would be greatly appreciated. 


The version of CF is 9,0,0,251028. I got an email from the hosting company
(Hostek) about updating my server to a CF10 server this morning. So if this
is an issue with CF 9,0,0,251028 and updating to a CF10 server would solve
the problem then I'll go that route. If there is just something I'm not
seeing in the code that is a quicker fix, I'll do that and the
upgrade/update the server over the weekend.


Once again on this is the error I'm getting:


An exception occurred while using action=update. 


java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: The workbook already contains a sheet of
this name 


When I run this code that is reading a blank xls template, plugging in data
and trying to save it. The problem seems to be that the first spreadsheet
read is reading both sheets and then subsequently saving both sheets and
then when I try to do the update it says that the sheet already exists.


<cfspreadsheet action="read"
name="Patient_Output" sheet="1">
<cfspreadsheet action="read"
name="newCalc_P1" sheet="2">

<cfset SpreadsheetSetCellValue(Patient_Output,patientResults.clinic,8,5)>
<cfset SpreadsheetSetCellValue(Patient_Output,patientResults.doctor,12,5)>
<cfset SpreadsheetSetCellValue(Patient_Output,"link goes here",13,3)>

<!--- remove columns that should not be displayed in the charts --->
<cfset assayList = ListDeleteAt(getIgG.columnList,
<cfset assayList = ListDeleteAt(assayList,
<cfset assayList = ListDeleteAt(assayList,
<cfset writeRow = 1>
<cfset writeColAdd = 0>
<cfloop list="#assayList#" index="curAssay"> 
 <!--- Determine what row to write the value to. --->
 <cfset writeRow = ++writeRow>
    <cfif writeRow eq 46>
     <cfset writeRow = 2>       
  <cfset writeColAdd = writeColAdd + 7>
 <cfset curAssayValue = "getIgG.#curAssay#">
    <!--- Determine what column to write the value to. --->
 <cfif Evaluate(curAssayValue) lt 1>
     <cfset writeCol = 2 + writeColAdd>
    <cfelseif Evaluate(curAssayValue) gte 1 AND Evaluate(curAssayValue) lt
     <cfset writeCol = 3 + writeColAdd>
    <cfelseif Evaluate(curAssayValue) gte 2 AND Evaluate(curAssayValue) lt
     <cfset writeCol = 4 + writeColAdd>
    <cfelseif Evaluate(curAssayValue) gte 3 AND Evaluate(curAssayValue) lt
     <cfset writeCol = 5 + writeColAdd>
    <cfelseif Evaluate(curAssayValue) gte 4>
     <cfset writeCol = 6 + writeColAdd>
    <!--- Write the value to cell. --->
    <!---  --->
    <cfset theValue = SpreadsheetGetCellValue(newCalc_P1,writeRow,writeCol)>
<!--- Write both sheets to the new file. ---> 
<cfspreadsheet action="write" filename="#theFile#" name="Patient_Output"
<cfspreadsheet action="update" filename="#theFile#" name="newCalc_P1"
<!--- Redirect user to the patient spreadsheet. --->
<cflocation url="/C3d/individual_results/#patientResults.lname#.xlsm">


On Fri, Mar 14, 2014 at 9:55 AM, Charlie Arehart <char...@carehart.org>

Jeff, I have never used any of that functionality, but since you say you are
on CF9, have you applied any/all updates? There may be bugs that were
long-since fixed, but I find that many people (or their server admin's)
never bother to update CF, especially 9 and earlier since it was often quite
a bear to do.

If you want to know what version you have (9.0, 9.0.1, or 9.0.2) and what
updates you have, I have a blog entry helping with that:


And if you may decide to proceed with some update(s), do proceed with
caution. I share some warnings here:


Note as well that if you think that downloading an installer from Adobe
should mean it has all the updates already applied, that's not so, as I
discuss here:


And if you may wonder how to find available hotfixes, I provide links to
them in that last blog entry.

Finally, if you may be tempted to go to 9.0.2 (not saying that's your
solution necessarily), consider the info I share here:


But I appreciate that none of this may help solve your problem. Maybe
there's something obvious you're doing or not that someone more familiar
with the spreadsheet features may help with. I just wanted to offer this as
something to consider in the meantime.



From: ad...@acfug.org [mailto:ad...@acfug.org] On Behalf Of Jeff Howard
Sent: Friday, March 14, 2014 1:15 AM
To: discussion@acfug.org
Subject: [ACFUG Discuss] does SPREADSHEETREMOVESHEET not work?


I copied the code straight from Adobe's site and rewrote it using cfscript,
cfset, cfset temp =, cfset obj = and all of them threw the same error.




Here is the various code I tried in CF 9:

<cfset spreadsheetRemoveSheet(Patient_Output,"newCalc_P1")>

<cfset temp = spreadsheetRemoveSheet(Patient_Output,"newCalc_P1")>

<cfset Patient_Output = spreadsheetRemoveSheet(Patient_Output,"newCalc_P1")>


    Patient_Output = spreadsheetRemoveSheet(Patient_Output,"newCalc_P1"); 


I thought that with all the spreadsheet functionality that this project
would be fairly quick and need it tomorrow. I was trying to find a work
around for the duplicate sheet error in the last message I posted so thought
maybe if I deleted the sheet first and then saved it I would have a work
around and instead I just got another error message.




Thanks in advance for any and all help,


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