
You haven't really given much detail about your problem. What was the
error? What line of code? What input caused the problem? What about all the
other libraries you are including - what does that code look like?

My first guess would be that one of the libraries you are including has a
catch statement that is not rethrowing the exception...

You may want to use a gist for the code instead of trying to paste it
inline into an email:


On Wed, Aug 6, 2014 at 11:57 AM, troy <> wrote:

>  Today, a page on one of my sites was getting SQL injection bombed. The
> site’s error handling caught the errors but the statement that threw the
> errors was in a try/catch block and should not have, in my estimation,
> allowed an uncaught exception to get to that level. Has anyone experienced
> any anomalies when using <cftry><cfcatch> with a Query of Queries inside of
> it? It could be that I’m missing something extremely fundamental but I just
> don’t see it. This site is on CF10 (with all updates) and IIS7.5. Any
> insight is appreciated.

Cameron Childress
p:   678.637.5072
im: cameroncf
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