On Wed, Aug 6, 2014 at 12:41 PM, troy wrote:

>  As far as the rest of the error dump goes, it’s just stack trace
> information. There is no additional information available that makes
> anything any clearer.

Usually I look at the stack trace to see what path the code took during
execution. What line of what file etc. Sometimes there is valuable info in
there that you don't expect to find.

 The error is thrown in the above method. As you can see, there is no
> try/catch in that method so the wrapping try/catch statement should have
> caught anything coming from it.

A catch found inside this call could also catch it.


Since you have a sample of what reproduces the error, I would start by
setting url.id = 'thatbadstring' and then just start replacing code and/or
commenting it out till you narrow the problem down to one line or segment
of code.

Specifically, you may want to zoom in and try wrapping the CFQUERY code in
it's own TRY/CATCH just to see if it will catch the error and then work
your way outside of the function from there till you find the problem.

To answer the abstract question about QoQ and catch block, I don't know of
any problem with QoQ errors not being caught by CFCATCH, but I still
haven't seen all the code involved here so it's very hard to know what else
may be causing the problem in your specific case.

One more side note is that you can use the val() function to quickly
convert anything string-like to a number. Your code may be working for you
and you may want to leave it that way but this (IMHO) is shorter and pretty
well established way to clean numeric inputs in CF.

cleanID = val(url.id);



Cameron Childress
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