Chris, sadly there’s no simple answer to your question 1. 

Are you trying to run CF11 on the same machine as CF9? That could have problems 
due to web server configuration issues. Are you putting it on a new machine? 
That could go well, but since this is IIS I’ll note that you could unexpectedly 
bring “old” cf9 configuration settings with you when you move your web site 
code, as the web.config file in the root may have been edited by CF, IIS, or 
someone there, and it will be read by IIS on the “new” machine (or a new site 
in the current machine if you’re not moving to a new one).

Beyond that, are you installing CF11 as a download from last week or later? If 
so, that has update 3 already applied. If it’s an older installer, note that 
you’ll need to apply update 3 and rebuild your web server connector (created by 
the initial install). For some folks, that’s easy. For others (even with years 
of experience), that can be a hassle, and mistakes (or failing to do it) could 
leave things busted.

Another issue is that CF11 (and 10) offer a “secure profile” option, which 
often folks will presume they want (for improved security) but they may find 
that some aspects of their code may fail or not work well because of this new 
more secured environment.

Separately, there’s another security issue which could hurt you depending on 
the exact version of CF9 you were running. If it was 9.0.2, you’re ok. If it 
was 9..0.0 or 9.0.1, then it depends on whether you had applied a couple of 
security updates released in 2011 and 2012 (or the latest cumulative hotfix for 
those releases which included them).  If you did not, then when you move to 
CF10 or 11, those will include the security fixes, and you may find problems 
because of that changed behavior--which you WOULD have hit on 9 but did not 
because you’d not applied those updates.

Of course, beyond that, any move from one release to another CAN have problems 
due to compatibility changes in code. There are relatively few of those, 
thankfully, but do see the “what’s new” docs for 11 and 10 for more.

All that said, there are no problem with respect to your questions 2 and 3.

As for question 4, the upgrade can take literally just minutes if all goes 
well. The problem is if anything goes wrong. Then you may be totally screwed 
for hours if you don’t quickly find/resolve the problem.

So are you attempting things on a test server first? That would be very wise 
(even so, if your test server does not completely model your prod one, you 
could have things go fine in test and then go poorly in prod).

You mentioned being open to assistance.  While a hosting company may help, 
they’d likely only help if you were moving to their server. Is that what you’re 
considering? If not, or if your host cannot help, I’ll just note that there are 
folks (myself included) who do CF server troubleshooting. I list them at a 
category of my CF411 site, 

I can say (as my comments above show) that I have helped hundreds of folks with 
this very move. I have blogged many things about it ( but if 
you want direct help, we could get CF11 installed and working (and deal with 
any immediate challenges) in less than an hour, typically. It’s then up to you 
to do testing, and I could help with problems as you hit them, or of course I 
can help with anticipating problems like I have outlined above.

Hope all that’s helpful.



From: [] On Behalf Of Chris
Sent: Friday, December 19, 2014 12:48 AM
Subject: [ACFUG Discuss] Moving from ColdFusion 9 standard to ColdFusion 11 


Hi All,


1. What are the key points I need to be aware of when moving from ColdFusion 
9(CF 9) standard to ColdFusion 11(CF 11) standard?


2. Our applications were built several years ago and use Application.cfm 
instead of Application.cfc Can this cause any issues?


3. The back-end is MySQL and web server is IIS on a Windows Server 2008 OS. 
Does CF 11 integrate well with these?


4. How long would the upgrade process take? I understand any unexpected glitch 
can delay it, but how long does it generally take for a 8 core Pentium CPU 
having 8GB RAM on a Windows Server 2008 OS? The other applications running on 
the server are MySQL and MS-Security essentials.


Our server team does not have time to assist us with the upgrade. We have been 
advised to use managed hosting at

but don't know if any of those companies provide assistance for version 
upgrades like our case.


Any advice would be appreciated.



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