If your point 1 is indeed a question for us, the answer is “yes”. That’s what I 
meant in saying “That could have problems due to web server configuration 
issues.” It’s something that can very much be brittle. The settings in IIS for 
CF9 are quite different from those for CF10 and 11, and often folks will find 
that the way things were setup (by CF, in IIS) for 9 will cause problems when 
10/11 try to set things up. It’s as if Adobe did things in a way that presumes 
a greenfield (no current CF9 config settings in IIS). 

The best thing for most would be to run the web server config tool for 9 and 
remove the old CF9 settings first, but even that may not be enough for some 
people. And of course, if you want to run 9 and 10/11 at the same time, that’s 
even tougher because then you can’t remove the old settings.

It’s too much to get into here, and I’ve been meaning to do a blog entry on it 
(recently), but have been pressed for time. I’ll just say that if you do it, 
and things don’t work, I can help you recover from it, perhaps in just minutes, 
but I can’t easily explain it in email here.

You ask, “2. How do I find out if the security updates for 2012 were applied or 
not? The server admins who might have done it are out of office now.”. See:


And yes, I think you’ll find that Edgeweb would help you with this if you were 
moving to their servers. If there was a level of help you needed, they would 
likely refer you to me (I have a relationship with them, helping their clients 
do server troubleshooting, as I do for anyone in the CF community. For more on 
that, see the consulting page at carehart.org, but I see you saying in closing 
that getting help is tough. Just know that it need not be on-site, and it need 
not take long/be expensive. I can often help solve in minutes what may take 
others hours on their own, as this is all I do all day each day. And I’m also 
teaching you as we go, so it’s not just a solution but making you more 

Hope that helps.



From: Chris [mailto:h_chris...@yahoo.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, December 23, 2014 12:40 PM
To: Charlie Arehart; discussion@acfug.org
Subject: Re: [ACFUG Discuss] Moving from ColdFusion 9 standard to ColdFusion 11 




Yes, this is very helpful. Thanks so much.


I need to upgrade the machine running CF9 to CF11. 


1. Can this also cause web server configuration issues? 


I will download CF11 with update 3 or later to ensure the secure profile does 
not break/hinder any existing web applications.


I am running CF 9.0.1. 


2. How do I find out if the security updates for 2012 were applied or not? The 
server admins who might have done it are out of office now.


I will review the "What's new" documents for CF11 and try everything on a test 


We are advised to go with Edgewebhosting but I do not know if they would help 
with upgrades like this.

You are a valuable resource and your blogs are very helpful. I will reach out 
to you, but the process of getting a consultant takes a while in my area.

Thanks again for all your advice and time.


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