Just that you really shouldn't be doing that anyway. The web app server shouldn't be able to make a direct command line call. And specially so if it's still operating as 'Local Service' or root. Just too many ways for a hacker to play with that. Doesn't matter if it's public facing or not imho.

Drop the command into a database that an independent cron job picks up, etc. Really parse down what the command is and how it gets ferried over in the process. This is also good in that it gives you a record of commands that have been sent through.


On 2/2/15 10:39 AM, Bettina M. Scurlock wrote:
Goon Morning All,

We recently upgrade one of our servers from CF9 to CF11 last month. The only issue we encountered is trying to get the CFExecute tag to execute BAT files.

Thank you in advance for your help!


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