Bettina, in addition to John’s wise words, I have a couple of thoughts to the 
specific concern of something that “worked in 9 and not in 11”. Not clear if 
they will be clear solutions to your problem.

First, to be clear, there’s no change in cfexcute itself in CF11 (or 10), that 
I know of. So it should work, for those taking the risk of running it. (That 
said, I’d be more concerned if it worked with some incoming URL string than if 
the command-line it executes is hard-coded. To John’s concern, one thing some 
do is put it in a folder where they implement a sandbox, to control which 
templates can execute that tag—and what directories that code is allowed to 
access. As a tip, note that while in CF10 and earlier required Enterprise to 
use this sort of application-specific Sandbox security, CF11 dropped that and 
it’s now allowed for Standard as well.)

Second, and somewhat related, but not clear if it will affect the cfexecute 
inherently, I would be willing to bet that whoever installed CF11 chose the 
option (offered during installation) to enable the “secure profile”. That locks 
CF down in various ways that were not so in CF9. Check the CF admin page, 
Security section, Secure Profile page. You’ll likely see it’s checked at the 
top (indicating it was turned on), and below that you’ll see the nearly couple 
dozen settings changed by that. (It does NOT turn on the sandbox security 
feaure by default.) You could try turning off one of those, or turning off the 
entire “secure profile” page setting (that, and this page, are new features of 
CF11 over 10, which only let you decide during install whether to enable it or 
not, and only showed in the docs what was affected). You may find you’d need to 
restart CF for some of those changes to take effect, if you wanted to test your 
code after that.

Third, what update level are you on? If you go to the “settings summary” page 
(in the first section of the CF admin), or the last “server updates” page, it 
will show (there have been 3 for CF 11, and 4 Is in prerelease). If you applied 
any of those manually, it could be that one or more may have had a partial 
failure. You can look in the logs in hf-updates (in the CF11 directory for each 
instance, or the cfusion If you have only one) where there are 2 logs. One 
tracks what was done and how it did. That said, if this was done with a CF11 
installer that you downloaded in recent weeks, that came with update 3 already 
installed. If you are on update 3 but see no hf-11-00003 folder in your 
hf-updates folder, then that’s one clue that this was the latest installer.

Finally, what’s the nature of the error? If you look in the application.log or 
ColdFusion-out or ColdFusion-error log files, do they say anything specifically?

Let us know if any of that helps.




From: [] On Behalf Of Bettina M. Scurlock
Sent: Monday, February 02, 2015 10:39 AM
Subject: [ACFUG Discuss] Running CFExecute in ColdFusion 11


Goon Morning All,


We recently upgrade one of our servers from CF9 to CF11 last month.  The only 
issue we encountered is trying to get the CFExecute tag to execute BAT files.



Thank you in advance for your help!




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