I wrote some code a few years back, and I have very little ExtJS coding experience outside of using what shipped with CF 9 & 10. I was disappointed to discover that most of one of my pages was broken via the upgrade to CF 11. I did some digging, and discovered that CF 11 ships with ExtJS 4.1. I don't remember what CF 10 was running, but this code used to work that is associated with a CFGrid object:

// add the 2 custom buttons to the toolbar and init the grid listener
        function init() {
            Ext.onReady(function () {
                var grid = ColdFusion.Grid.getGridObject("Players");
                var tbar = ColdFusion.Grid.getTopToolbar('Players');
tbar.add({xtype: 'button', text: "Add Player", handler: onAdd });
                tbar.add({xtype: 'tbseparator'});
                tbar.add({xtype: 'tbfill'});
tbar.addButton({xtype:'button', text:"Delete Player", handler:onDelete });
                grid.addListener("rowdblclick", showEditWin);

The part that doesn't work is the listener for the double clicking of rows. Basically, nothing happens now when I double click a row. I've searched for 2 days now trying to wrap my head around the Ext documentation to understand what I'm doing wrong. No errors are thrown on the JS console, but nothing happens either. I've found this:


They show the addListener function, and to be honest, I'm not sure what has changed about it or what I'm currently doing wrong. Does anything obvious jump out to anyone?

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