As the subject line states... hopefully this mail list still exists...

I came across something interesting today... (and very stressful before I figured it out...)

I migrated code from a CF10 server to a CF11 server. And I had a major bug because of it. It seems like the function of ListAppend changed.

The Migration docs mentioned how there were changes to the CFScript way of using list functions... but I did not see any mention of changes to the CFML tag functionality.

I had this code inside a loop:

<cfset devnull = ListAppend(UpdateString,arguments.DrawIds[loopix])>

But it turns out that where CF10 and before would append UpdateString with the additional value and store nonsense in devnull, CF11 changes the way it works. In the above function in now stores the combination in the devnull variable.

<cfset UpdateString = ListAppend(UpdateString,arguments.DrawIds[loopix])>

The above does work in CF11 also which seems to be how to change it to work on a minimal level.

Hope everyone is well if this maillist still gets out,
Enjoy all,

Frank Moorman

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