Thanks for the email. I for one used to enjoy the challenges in this group
with people sending their issues.

I hope we can bring it back through this group emails or any other means as
long as we are actively getting requests.


On Wednesday, August 31, 2016, Frank Moorman <>

> As the subject line states... hopefully this mail list still exists...
> I came across something interesting today... (and very stressful before I
> figured it out...)
> I migrated code from a CF10 server to a CF11 server. And I had a major bug
> because of it. It seems like the function of ListAppend changed.
> The Migration docs mentioned how there were changes to the CFScript way of
> using list functions... but I did not see any mention of changes to the
> CFML tag functionality.
> I had this code inside a loop:
>         <cfset devnull = ListAppend(UpdateString,argume
> nts.DrawIds[loopix])>
> But it turns out that where CF10 and before would append UpdateString with
> the additional value and store nonsense in devnull, CF11 changes the way it
> works. In the above function in now stores the combination in the devnull
> variable.
>         <cfset UpdateString = ListAppend(UpdateString,argume
> nts.DrawIds[loopix])>
> The above does work in CF11 also which seems to be how to change it to
> work on a minimal level.
> Hope everyone is well if this maillist still gets out,
> Enjoy all,
> Frank Moorman

<Ajas Mohammed />
We cannot become what we need to be, remaining what we are.
No matter what, find a way. Because thats what winners do.
You can't improve what you don't measure.
Quality is never an accident; it is always the result of high intention,
sincere effort, intelligent direction and skillful execution; it represents
the wise choice of many alternatives.

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