
Here is the actual code (though the SQL is a little slimmed down for clarity.)

<!--- Update Draw Items --->
<cfset UpdateString = '0'>
<cfloop index="loopix" from="1" to="#ArrayLen(arguments.DrawIds)#">
    <cfquery name="UpdateDraw" datasource="#session.DBsource#">
        UPDATE tbl_inspection_form_draws
SET last_user = <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="CF_SQL_SMALLINT" value="#session.UserID#">, draw_note = <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="CF_SQL_VARCHAR" value="#arguments.DrawNotes[loopix]#" maxlength="200">, completion_percent = <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="CF_SQL_TINYINT" value="#Val(arguments.CompPercent[loopix])#">, prior_completion_percent = <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="CF_SQL_TINYINT" value="#Val(arguments.OrigCompPercent[loopix])#">, last_inspection_date = <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="CF_SQL_TIMESTAMP" value="#InspectionDateTime#">, last_update = <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="CF_SQL_TIMESTAMP" value="#CurrentDateTime#"> WHERE draw_id = <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="CF_SQL_INTEGER" value="#arguments.DrawIds[loopix]#">;
    <cfset devnull = ListAppend(UpdateString,arguments.DrawIds[loopix])>
<cfquery name="PriorPercentUpdate" datasource="#session.DBsource#">
    UPDATE tbl_inspection_form_draws
SET prior_completion_percent = <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="CF_SQL_TINYINT" value="100">, status = <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="CF_SQL_CHAR" value="C" maxlength="1">, last_update = <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="CF_SQL_TIMESTAMP" value="#CurrentDateTime#"> WHERE inspection_form_id = <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="CF_SQL_INTEGER" value="#arguments.FormID#">
       AND draw_id                  NOT IN (#UpdateString#)

As you can tell The ListAppend is right in the middle. Essentially I am updating an inspection form. Arrays with the values of every line item changed are passed into this function. The list is used to create a comma separated value of every line item id that was updated. The value is then used in the second query to make changes to every line item not updated within the specified inspection form.

After the code was moved to the new CF11 server (from a CF10 server) We noticed that the prior completion percent was set to 100 in every case (and tracked it down to the 2nd query here.) According to the svn log, the component containing this code has not changed since 6/27/2014. (and I know this particular section was not changed in a longer period of time.)

In tracking down the error and determining exactly what happened I basically added a result attribute to the queries and dumped them to verify that the proper values where being initially set and added a bunch of dumps for the other variables.. I also added a SELECT statement to verify that there was not some weird database connector problem on the new server.

<cfquery name="UpdateDraw" datasource="#session.DBsource#" result="xxxx">
    <cfdump var="#xxxx#">

    <cfdump var="#UpdateString#">
    <cfdump var="#devnull#">
    <cfquery name="UpdateDraw2" datasource="#session.DBsource#">
        SELECT * from tbl_inspection_form_draws
WHERE draw_id = <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="CF_SQL_INTEGER" value="#arguments.DrawIds[loopix]#">;
    <cfdump var="#UpdateDraw2#">

The dumps came back and pointed the finger at the ListAppend statement. UpdateString was not changing and staying with the initial value of 0. The devnull variable was being changed constantly to 0 & the value of the current draw. (It was changing to 0 and the current draw id with each iteration, it was not expanding draws due to the way it was written.

In addition I had added a result attribute to the second query as well as another SELECT * and DUMP. It also confirmed that the #UpdateString# was only passing a single value of 0 to the SQL. Which essentially caused all rows to update instead of just the rows that were not changed by the first SQL.

I left the cfdumps in the code and changed the line to:

<cfset UpdateString = ListAppend(UpdateString,arguments.DrawIds[loopix])>

At this point UpdateString was expanding with each iteration of the loop appending the new draw id. The way it was functioning on the old server with CF10.

On 08/31/2016 06:16 PM, Charlie Arehart wrote:

Dude, they’re getting the band back together! :-)

So Frank, on your observation, can you offer a simple 2-3 line proofcase? I realize you gave us code, but not with the values you’re really using for the vars.

Sometimes, when you create such an example, you find out that it’s not what you thought. But if it is, then others could at least readily try it on their own systems, and if there’s no solution found, you could then include it in a bug report to Adobe.

I’ve not heard of this problem you report, so I’m inclined to think there may be another explanation. But let’s see. Hope that’s helpful.


*From:* [] *On Behalf Of *Cameron Childress
*Sent:* Wednesday, August 31, 2016 05:03 PM
*Subject:* Re: [ACFUG Discuss] Hopefully this list still exists

Folks are still on the list, though I am not sure the list management tool are visible anymore.

The <> domain actually just auto-renewed - so I think we are still good as long as the list software is actually running....


On Wed, Aug 31, 2016 at 5:23 PM, Ajas Mohammed < <>> wrote:

Thanks for the email. I for one used to enjoy the challenges in this group with people sending their issues.

I hope we can bring it back through this group emails or any other means as long as we are actively getting requests.


On Wednesday, August 31, 2016, Frank Moorman < <>> wrote:

As the subject line states... hopefully this mail list still exists...

I came across something interesting today... (and very stressful before I figured it out...)

I migrated code from a CF10 server to a CF11 server. And I had a major bug because of it. It seems like the function of ListAppend changed.

The Migration docs mentioned how there were changes to the CFScript way of using list functions... but I did not see any mention of changes to the CFML tag functionality.

I had this code inside a loop:

<cfset devnull = ListAppend(UpdateString,arguments.DrawIds[loopix])>

But it turns out that where CF10 and before would append UpdateString with the additional value and store nonsense in devnull, CF11 changes the way it works. In the above function in now stores the combination in the devnull variable.

<cfset UpdateString = ListAppend(UpdateString,arguments.DrawIds[loopix])>

The above does work in CF11 also which seems to be how to change it to work on a minimal level.

Hope everyone is well if this maillist still gets out,
Enjoy all,

Frank Moorman

<Ajas Mohammed />

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Cameron Childress
p:   678.637.5072

im: cameroncf

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