Chris Buechler wrote:
CARP does L3.  At this point it doesn't detect dead hosts so a
percentage of your requests will fail if one of the boxes dies, but
that's being worked on.

I'm not certain I understand what you're talking about - the only load-balancing I can find described for CARP (net.inet.carp.arpbalance) only does incoming load-balancing at L2; that's according to the latest OpenBSD carp(4) man page I can find. Do we do it differently in pfSense? If so, I'm curious how! Essentially, I've a routed network with a lot of high-load clients that I want to balance over a virtual gateway IP without being on the same segment as these core routers. If I can do that currently (which the man page seems to contraindicate), I'm perfectly happy.

As far as the apcupsd goes, I certainly understand that pfSense is relatively safe against power outages, but most machines on my network are UPS-ed as well, and if nothing else, it'd be kinda nice to be able to monitor how long I have left on battery, line voltages, etc. Fun stuff like that we Geeks do at home and make our friends/inlaws roll their eyes.

Thanks for the responses, guys!

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