Hi Zeev and all,

On Saturday 07 January 2012, Zeev Pekar wrote:
> Shalom,
> camping time might be over but not the struggle for lowering living
> costs. Hereby I appeal to the Hamakor leadership to start an online
> campaign to lobby government to adopt Linux and other FOSS in all its
> institutions [...] What do
> think about sending a chain email (CC to all Israeli FOSS mailing lists)
> with a link to an online petition form(/Facebook page) and
> emails/fax/telephone numbers of Prime Minister, Minister of Defense and
> Minister of Science and Technology asking [...] to stop wasting tax payers'
> money [...]? 

> Hamakor leaders should be ready to speak to the ministers once they are
> ready to listen.
Before starting an online petition and mass-mailing campaign, please read some
of this interesting thread on the Open Knesset list: 

Pay speciall attention to the first message by Lior Sheffer, explaining the
limited effect of such campaigns.

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