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Subject:                [reformasitotal] Jane's Intel Review: Militia Groups Turn 
Against Indon Government

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Jane's Intelligence Review
December 1, 2000

Militia groups turn against Indonesian government

By John B Haseman

DISILLUSIONED AND angry members of at least eight pro-Indonesia 
militia groups are lifting the veil of secrecy over the degree of
involvement of the Indonesian government, army and police in the
'scorched earth' campaign of murder, violence and arson in East
Timor last year. While it is accepted that some Indonesian security
personnel were involved in planning the campaign, and in training,
arming and controlling the militia groups, the extent and nature of
that involvement was unknown - until now.
On 8 October militia leaders in West Timor told two visiting
Indonesian cabinet members, and local and international press
representatives, that they would inform the UN of the Indonesian
military's involvement with the militia forces if a militia leader
held in Jakarta was not released.
Joanico Cesario, former head of the Alfa Sera militia in Baucau,
told Indonesian Minister of Foreign Affairs Alwi Shihab and Minister
of Defence and Security Mahfud Mahmodin that 200 men in his group
were trained in Aileu, East Timor, and Cijantung, South Jakarta.
Cijantung is home to the headquarters of the army special forces
command (Kopassus), widely suspected of deep involvement in militia
Cesario claimed that the Indonesian Army had provided his forces
with 1,500 automatic and semi-automatic firearms. Both ministers
have remained silent over the allegations.
On 16 October the Jakarta daily newspaper Kompas published an
interview with another militia representative, who made further
accusations of direct Indonesian government and military involvement
in the violence in East Timor.
The unidentified militia and its leaders are reportedly gathering
documentary evidence of Indonesian Army arms distribution, weapons
licences and eyewitness statements of training, organisation and
operational directions provided by army personnel. The gist of the
accusations is that the army and police organised, trained, armed
and directed the militias in the violence that wracked East Timor in
Another militia leader made a startling allegation. He claimed that
he had attended a secret meeting in Dili with former president B J
Habibie, senior army officers and other militia leaders at which
Habibie allegedly gave the order for the 'scorched earth' policy.
Habibie has not responded to the allegation.
There are several reasons why the militia leaders have apparently
turned against their former benefactors. First, they are angry that
a key militia leader - Eurico Guterres, leader of the Dili-based
Aitarak militia - was arrested and is being detained in Jakarta,
charged with weapons offences that could lead to six years in
prison. The militias view him as leader of the united militia
movement; to much of the international community he is a swaggering
bully and leader of one of the bloodiest of the militia forces.
Allowed to remain free in West Timor and given membership in Vice
President Megawati Soekarnoputri's political party, Guterres has not
yet been charged with offences in East Timor. Indonesian authorities
have refused to extradite him to East Timor, where UN officers want
to question him on his alleged role in several major atrocities. A
lower court in Jakarta ordered his release, saying that his arrest
was 'improper'. However, the Jakarta police chief has appealed
against that order and Guterres remains in custody.
A second reason for the possible change in militia attitudes is
resentment over their status in West Timor. One militia leader
complained that they were forced to leave East Timor when army units
retreated, and that the army burned their homes. Now they live in
wretched refugee camps with little or no assistance from the
Indonesian government, which the militia groups regard as ungrateful
for their efforts to retain East Timor as part of  Indonesia. 
A third reason for militia anger is that the Indonesian Army has
begun to try and disarm the militia forces after months of
international pressure. Some militia leaders fear that they
themselves will be arrested, or assassinated, to appease foreign
critics and conceal official Indonesian involvement in East Timor.
The mysterious murder of a militia leader in Atambua, which led to
the militia-led murder of three UN staff, has reportedly caused
considerable anxiety among militia members. This resentment, anger
and fear may lead to major embarrassment for the Indonesian armed
forces, which have steadfastly denied involvement in the militia
violence in East Timor.
However, many critics view the militia leaders' accusations with
scepticism. They say that accusing Habibie of direct involvement may
simply be an attempt by angry active or retired military officers,
and their civilian financial backers in Jakarta, to embarrass the
former president, who they blame for 'giving away' East Timor in the
first place.
Much depends on the quality of promised documentary evidence
implicating Indonesian officials. Should the militia leaders not be
able to produce corroborative material, military officers branded as
suspects in the violence could proclaim their innocence and escape
Jakarta has pledged to continue its investigations into the East
Timor violence and to look into the allegations raised by militia
leaders in West Timor. The UN and international critics will be
watching closely.

GRAPHIC:  Photograph 1, Leader of the Dili-based Aitarak militia, Eurico
Guterres, was arrested and is being detained in Jakarta, charged with weapons
offences that could lead to six years in prison.; Photograph 2, Police evict
former East Timorese militiamen from their picket lines at the UN 
They were protesting against their treatment at the hands of the Indonesian
government after East Timor gained independence.

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