Sandra Mejía J. wrote:
> Hi all
> Somebody can explain to me this:
> Don't use this one if you are looking for EL support on jsp
> 2.0 containers (Tomcat 5).
> In Jsp 2.0 compatible servers expressions are evaluated directly
> by the container, so you can use the standard tld and still have
> EL support (the EL tld will not work, since expressions will be
> evaluated twice). 
> <>
> I didn't understand.

There are two displaytag jar files that start: "displaytag" and 
"displaytag-el". If you are using Tomcat 5 or 6 you only need the 
"displaytag" version as the expression language is built into Tomcat. If 
you were using Tomcat 4 you would need to use "displaytag-el" if you 
wanted to use expression language in your displaytag tags.


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