I'm using Hibernate extensively with Displaytag. If you create your Hibernate 
mappings appropriately, you simply use HQL queries, or use the natural 
relationships you define in your mappings, and use the 
Hibernate.initialize(hibernateObject) to instantiate them. Hibernate eliminates 
(mostly) the need to do complicated joins.


There is much information about using Hibernate objects for joins on the 
Hibernate forums. Google is your friend....


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Sandra Mejía J.
Sent: Tuesday, November 13, 2007 10:36 AM
To: displaytag-user@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: Re: [displaytag-user] Standar tld?


I'm use hibernate... i have beans for tables, but i don't have bean for JOIN... 
i don't have idea how to do a bean for JOIN with hibernate framework...

Thanks for reply...

2007/11/13, Paul Cooper <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Yes. Build a bean class. You have no choice. It's how Displaytag works. What is 
it a List of? ResultSets? Make a bean.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Sandra Mejía J.
Sent: Tuesday, November 13, 2007 10:15 AM

To: displaytag-user@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: Re: [displaytag-user] Standar tld?



I know that, but my List don't have a bean with property because it return data 
of JOIN between 3 tables in my database.

Some suggestion???

2007/11/13, Paul Cooper < [EMAIL PROTECTED] >:

You don't need the <c:forEach/> tag. The displaytag iterates the list for you. 


<display:table name="tabEnv" id="row">

<display:column title="Id">

<display:column title="Name" property="name"/> <%-- alternate way to access a 
list element property --%>



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Sandra Mejía J.
Sent: Tuesday, November 13, 2007 12:18 AM
To: displaytag-user@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: Re: [displaytag-user] Standar tld?


Thanks for you help...

But... I can  use tag <c:foreach for print a simple List and the server present 
the next error:


In my JSP I try to do this: 

List results = ....;

request.setAttribute("tabEnv", results);

<display:table name="tabEnv">
                 <c:forEach var="x" items="${results}"> 
                     <display:column title="Id">

But, return this error:

According to the TLD or the director attribute of the file tag, the attribute 
items does not accept expressions

"Según el TLD o la directiva attribute del archivo tag, el atributo items no 
acepta expresiones" 

Thanks for your help

2007/10/30, Ed Webb <[EMAIL PROTECTED] >: 

Sandra Mejía J. wrote:
> Hi all
> Somebody can explain to me this:
> Don't use this one if you are looking for EL support on jsp
> 2.0 containers (Tomcat 5).
> In Jsp 2.0 compatible servers expressions are evaluated directly 
> by the container, so you can use the standard tld and still have 
> EL support (the EL tld will not work, since expressions will be
> evaluated twice). http://displaytag.sourceforge.net/11/tlds.html
> <http://displaytag.sourceforge.net/11/tlds.html >
> I didn't understand.

There are two displaytag jar files that start: "displaytag" and
"displaytag-el". If you are using Tomcat 5 or 6 you only need the
"displaytag" version as the expression language is built into Tomcat. If 
you were using Tomcat 4 you would need to use "displaytag-el" if you
wanted to use expression language in your displaytag tags.


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