Should I do something like this?

<display:column media="html" title="URL">    <![CDATA[<a
href="]]><c:out value="${currentRowObject.url}" /><![CDATA[">]]><c:out
value="${currentRowObject.url}" /><![CDATA[</a>]]>

(taken from

On 11/3/07, Nicolas Gonzalez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm experiencing a problem while trying to export to any format (doesn't
> matter if it xls, csv, whatever...).
> The thing is that I have inside a <display:column> some html code such as
> a link (<a href="something">a value</a>). Well, when exporing, that HTML
> code generated by manually is being exported. I want to prevent that data to
> be exported.
> The code would be as follows:
> <display:column  sortProperty="dxc"
>                          title="Network Element (DXC)"
>                          sortable="true"
>                          >
>             <html-el:link href="javascript:goToT1Detail('${row.myproperty}', 
> '${
> row.anotherProperty}');"  >
>                 a value
>             </html-el:link>
> </display:column>
> Is it possible to export only the value of dxc? or should I write an
> exporter which prevents that behaviour?
> Thanks in advance,
> Nico
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