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By: whiskogs


Bit of a newbie to this library, so sorry if this has been covered before.

I'm using a <display:table> in which the first <display:column> is giving me
a headache, somehow: the row object instance contains a sub-object that contains
another sub-object, which can be of type A or B (distiller or blender, to make
things clear). I want to link to that object's page, which, obvously has a 
url structure depending on its nature (/distiller or /blender, innit); the only
parameter is the id of said object. Also, I want the column to be sortable.
Now, I've had to rely on something like:

<display:column sortable="true">
  <% if (distiller) { %>
    <a href="/distiller?id=..."><%=...%></a>
  <% } else if (blender) {
    <a href="/blender?id=..."><%=...%></a>
  <% } %>

Of course, it messes up with the sorting, since it doesn't sort the content,
but the urls themselves... Result to be seen on
I've also tried:

<display:column property="manufacturerName" href="manufacturerLink" paramId="id"
paramProperty="manufacturerId" sortable="true" />

where manufacturerXxx are decorators, with no luck: the name is displayed 
and sortable alright, but the href is always the same (I believe the latest
to be translated) and the paramProperty attribute doesn't seem to work with
decorators at all (gives, say, /blender?id:). I've tried various mixes of the
above, including with the paramName attribute, but never succeeded in displaying
all the names correctly, sortable and the links pointing to where they should.
I'm a bit lost and would greatly appreciate help.

Thanks in advance.

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