Hello All,
I am testing the appfuse light (spring mvc) demo application that uses 
displaytag 1.1 in weblogic 9.2 and the export doesn't work correctly. It 
exports the whole page to excel not the table records.
It works fine in Tomcat. Any one has seen this issue before?
<%@ include file="/taglibs.jsp"%>
<title><fmt:message key="userList.title"/></title>
<button onclick="location.href='userform.html'"style="float: right; margin-top: 
-30px; width: 100px">Add User</button>
<display:table name="users" class="table" requestURI="" id="userList" 
export="true" pagesize="4">
<display:setProperty name="export.pdf.filename" value="users.pdf"/>
<display:column property="id" sortable="true" href="userform.html" media="html"
paramId="id" paramProperty="id" titleKey="user.id"/>
<display:column property="id" media="csv excel xml pdf" titleKey="user.id"/>
<display:column property="firstName" sortable="true" titleKey="user.firstName"/>
<display:column property="lastName" sortable="true" titleKey="user.lastName"/>
<display:column titleKey="user.birthday" sortable="true" 
<fmt:formatDate value="${userList.birthday}" pattern="${datePattern}"/>
<script type="text/javascript">highlightTableRows("userList");</script>
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