On 23 Oct 2003, "P. Christeas" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all and thanks for the great project
> I have CC: Sun WorkShop 6 update 1 C++ 5.2, which works with distcc.
> However, that compiler doesn't like '.ii' input files. 
> I simply created the following patch, which works for me but could break some 
> others. Can you find a test or add a '--with-sun-cc' option to
> control that?

I'm glad you like distcc.

This patch is, as you say, no good at the moment because it will break
other compilers.  I can't think of a satisfactory way to decide at
runtime which compiler ought to be supported.  If somebody can suggest
one I might merge it.

For the meantime I can ship this in patches/ so people with sun cc can
apply it.

                               linux.conf.au -- Adelaide, January 2004
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