Hi all and thanks for the great project
I have CC: Sun WorkShop 6 update 1 C++ 5.2, which works with distcc.
However, that compiler doesn't like '.ii' input files. 
I simply created the following patch, which works for me but could break some 
others. Can you find a test or add a '--with-sun-cc' option to control that?

please CC. me
diff -bBur distcc-2.11.2-new/src/filename.c distcc-2.11.2/src/filename.c
--- distcc-2.11.2-new/src/filename.c	2003-10-23 11:47:43.000000000 +0300
+++ distcc-2.11.2/src/filename.c	2003-07-22 10:32:36.000000000 +0300
@@ -144,11 +144,7 @@
                || !strcmp(e, "cpp") || !strcmp(e, "cxx")
                || !strcmp(e, "cp") || !strcmp(e, "c++")
                || !strcmp(e, "C") || !strcmp(e, "ii")) {
-#if 1
-				return ".i"; //Sun's CC doesn't know '.ii'
 				return ".ii";
     } else if(!strcmp(e,"mi") || !strcmp(e, "m")) {
         return ".mi";
     } else if(!strcmp(e,"mii") || !strcmp(e,"mm")
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