> Hi,
> I am trying to use distcc on a network of Solaris 2.7 workstations and I
> also ran into this problem. I modified the src just like you did but I
> still have problems compiling certain C++ files - specifically those that
> include STL headers.
> Has anyone figured out how to prevent the re-inclusion of the headers?

After some time, the use of distcc with SunWS seems an unresolved issue. Of 
course, I exclude any attempt to modify the STL headers (which in fact are 
Sun's version of STL headers).
The correct statement is that _Sun's CC does not behave correctly when the 
preprocessor is involved as a separate process_.

This compiler should still be marked as 'unsupported'. The only way (I know 
of) to make some use of a compile farm is to exclusively mark the few files 
that *do* compile, and send those through distcc.
Hint: it seems that templates and CORBA implementation source do generally 
break the precompiler.
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