On Wed, May 28, 2008 at 11:12 PM, Sascha Demetrio <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> RIght now though would it not be worth incorporating your changes but
>> made to work for the same version of GCC on each side?  That would at
>> least be a start, and we could look at adding the patching later?
>> Does this need a fork of the main codeline to get things running?  If
>> so, could we think about using Git and some free hosting like GitHub
>> to allow efforts to be shared?  If the core maintainers are happy to
>> have this work takeplace in the main repository then fine, but if not
>> (based on the idications you gave) this could be a way forward.

I've already migrated the code into https://launchpad.net/distcc in
Bazaar, so I'd really rather you put it over there.  You can create an
account, upload your patch, etc.

> Let's do it - I just got permission from our management to release the
> code :)

Good to hear.

Martin <http://launchpad.net/~mbp/>
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