On Mon, Oct 19, 2009 at 1:44 PM, Steve Steiner <sstei...@mac.com> wrote:
> The whole idea here is to make a setup script that sets the machine:
>        Fire up a new cloud server
>        Install whatever software is necessary
>        Download the buildbot code
>        Build the buildbot
>        Start it running for as long as needed
>        Kill the server
> We pay for the server by the hour (1.5 cents/hr) and can fire up as many as
> necessary.
> I will put my fabric script up on bitbucket in my clone and you can pull it
> over and see what I mean.
> Right now, I"m just using a local VM, but the idea would be to put a fresh
> one up on Rackspace as needed, then kill when done.

Sounds good.

>> $ cd /var/
>> $ mkdir distutils-bot
>> $ cd distutils-bot
>> $ virtualenv --no-site-packages .
>> $ hg clone https://ta...@bitbucket.org/tarek/distutils-builbot .
>> $ bin/python bootstrap.py
>> $ bin/buildout -c buildbot.cfg
>> This is supposed to compile.
>> Last option: give me an ssh access to your ubuntu box if possible,
>> I'll probaby be able to fix it.
> I am not looking to hand-fix this, that would be pointless.  I want an
> automated build script that will fire up a brand new Ubuntu cloud server,
> set up the entire environment, install the buildbot and run.

By "fix it" I mean "debugging it in your environment to find the
problem" of course.

Anyways, let see what my sequence does in your VM (with python-dev
installed first, and zlib)
And if it fails, ls me the content of eggs/ as well

Distutils-SIG maillist  -  Distutils-SIG@python.org

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