This is running on a bare system, after figuring out which development tools were needed, all the version control systems necessary etc. I have all that captured in my Fabric script so we're all set for being able to duplicate it.

I have NOT installed anything into the system Python at all. In fact, other than the tools necessary to pull the products out of VCS, and the compilers and such, I haven't installed (or done) anything to the system at all. That's kind of the point. We want to be able to go from bare metal to running buildbot completely automatically.

I don't quite understand what this thing is supposed to be doing but I'm sure it's not doing everything it needs to do to get itself "bootstrapped"; on a fresh Ubuntu install, anyway.

BTW, on my OS X development system, running the system Python 2.6.1, it doesn't have any trouble at all except for this little gem early in the process.

/usr/bin/python "-c" "from setuptools.command.easy_install import main; main()" "-mUNxd" "/Users/ssteiner/Dropbox/work/distutils-builbot/ eggs/tmptMBdZk" "-q" "/Users/ssteiner/Dropbox/src/twisted_trunk" path=/Users/ssteiner/Dropbox/work/distutils-builbot/eggs/ setuptools-0.6c9-py2.6.egg

/Library/Python/2.6/site-packages/Pyrex- Compiler/ DeprecationWarning: BaseException.message has been deprecated as of Python 2.6
  self.message = message
unrecognized .svn/entries format in
conftest.c:1:23: error: sys/epoll.h: No such file or directory
conftest.c:1:23: error: sys/epoll.h: No such file or directory
conftest.c:1:23: error: sys/epoll.h: No such file or directory
lipo: can't open input file: /var/folders/28/28Xggq0cGXqLpT1Uz5Gk4E++ +TI/-Tmp-//ccOmCair.out (No such file or directory)
Got Twisted 8.2.0-r27376.
Picked: Twisted = 8.2.0-r27376
Getting required 'zope.interface'
  required by collective.buildbot 0.3.5.
  required by Twisted 8.2.0-r27376.

 and then it carries on.

However, when trying to run it with /bin/test, something tries to refer to "trunk-checkout" when the python trunk was actually checked out into python-trunk.

(~/work/distutils-builbot)# bin/test
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "bin/test", line 12, in <module>
OSError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/Users/ssteiner/work/ distutils-builbot/parts/trunk-checkout/python'

All in all, I really can't get it to build or run anywhere at this point...


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